[Aseptic necrosis of the temporomandibular joint in systemic lupus erythematosus].
PMID: 10590697
A total of 285 patients with verified systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) were examined. They complained of painful temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) and/or limited mobility of the mandible. Eight patients with chronic arthritis of the TMJ and a shortened (by 3-4 mm) mandibular branch were detected. In 4 female patients aged 25-38 with SLE lasting for about 5.5 years, unilateral signs of myoarticular dysfunction of the TMJ, flattening and decrease of the articular head without erosion and destruction, subcortical round foci with uneven internal contours were found in the central or median part of the head, with the compact bone above the foci thinned and the articular surface flattened; this prompted us to regard these changes as avascular necrosis (AN) of the joint. Shortening of the mandibular branch was caused by deformation of the neck of the articular process and its declination backwards. The detected changes in the TMJ were not accompanied by involvement of other joints. All these 4 patients with SLE and TMJ AN suffered from cerebropathy with epileptic attacks (frequent in 2 patients), Raynaud's syndrome, and bright capillaries of the palms and soles; 2 patients developed clinical picture of the antiphospholipid syndrome. Computer tomography and magnetic resonance findings validating the development of TMJ AN in?