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Schizophr. Res..2020 Jul;S0920-9964(20)30385-6. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2020.06.033.Epub 2020-07-13.


Distinguishing patterns of impairment on inhibitory control and general cognitive ability among bipolar with and without psychosis, schizophrenia, and schizoaffective disorder.

  • Milena Y Gotra
  • Scot K Hill
  • Elliot S Gershon
  • Carol A Tamminga
  • Elena I Ivleva
  • Godfrey D Pearlson
  • Matcheri S Keshavan
  • Brett A Clementz
  • Jennifer E McDowell
  • Peter F Buckley
  • John A Sweeney
  • Sarah K Keedy
PMID: 32674921 DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2020.06.033.



精神分裂病、精神分裂感情障害、精神病を伴う双極性障害では、一般的な認知能力に差があるにもかかわらず、SST(Stop Signal Task:停止信号課題)における抑制性制御の障害の大きさは同程度であることがこれまでに観察されています。SSTのパフォーマンスのパターンの違いを理解することで、各群が示した抑制性コントロールの低下に至るまでの経路が明らかになるかもしれません。また、非精神病性双極性障害群と精神病性双極性障害群をSSTで比較することで、この疾患スペクトラムに共通する神経生物学の理解を深めることができるかもしれない。

BACKGROUND: Deficits in inhibitory control on a Stop Signal Task (SST) were previously observed to be of similar magnitude across schizophrenia, schizoaffective, and bipolar disorder with psychosis, despite variation in general cognitive ability. Understanding different patterns of performance on the SST may elucidate different pathways to the impaired inhibitory control each group displayed. Comparing nonpsychotic bipolar disorder to the psychosis groups on SST may also expand our understanding of the shared neurobiology of this illness spectrum.


我々は、統合失調症(n=220)、統合失調感情(n=216)、双極性障害(n=192)と精神病の有無(n=67)、および健常対照者280人を対象に、SSTと一般的な認知能力の指標であるBACS(Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia)を用いて試験を行った。

METHODS: We tested schizophrenia (n = 220), schizoaffective (n = 216), bipolar disorder with (n = 192) and without psychosis (n = 67), and 280 healthy comparison participants with a SST and the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia (BACS), a measure of general cognitive ability.



RESULTS: All patient groups had a similar degree of impaired inhibitory control over prepotent responses. However, bipolar groups differed from schizophrenia and schizoaffective groups in showing speeded responses and inhibition errors that were not accounted for by general cognitive ability. Schizophrenia and schizoaffective groups had a broader set of deficits on inhibition and greater general cognitive deficit, which fully accounted for the inhibition deficits. No differences were found between the clinically well-matched bipolar with and without psychosis groups, including for inhibitory control or general cognitive ability.


我々は、1) SSTにおける抑制性行動制御の障害は、非精神病性双極性障害を含む統合双極性障害スペクトラム全体で同程度の大きさであるが、この障害の根底には異なるメカニズムが存在する可能性があること、2) 双極性障害における精神病歴は抑制性行動制御や一般認知能力には差がないこと、を結論付けた。

CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that 1) while impaired inhibitory control on a SST is of similar magnitude across the schizo-bipolar spectrum, including nonpsychotic bipolar, different mechanisms may underlie the impairments, and 2) history of psychosis in bipolar disorder does not differentially impact inhibitory behavioral control or general cognitive abilities.

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