Factors influencing social work students' motivation to work in drug treatment settings: the role of knowledge and attitudes.
PMID: 32654655 DOI: 10.1080/00981389.2020.1790078.
Given the continuing problem of drug use in the United States and the high risk of burnout among substance use treatment staff, this study focuses on examining the relationship between social work students' knowledge and attitudes toward individuals who use drugs and their motivation to work in drug treatment settings. A Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted, using a convenience sample of 229 social work students (age = 21 to 60, female = 82.5%, White = 79.9%, African American = 13.5%, Asian = 2.6%, Hispanic = 3.9%) at a large public university in an eastern state. Results revealed that knowledge and positive attitudes were key factors stimulating social work students' motivation to work with individuals who use drugs, and knowledge was the most influential factor. Social work students are more likely to want to work with individuals who use drugs if they have positive attitudes toward their clients and increased knowledge of drugs and drug-related problems. Interestingly, there is no significant difference in motivation between those who have negative attitudes and other people. Implications for social work education on substance abuse are discussed.