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Med J (Ft Sam Houst Tex).2021 Jan-Mar;(PB 8-21-01/02/03):97-103.


Report of a Powered Air-Purifying Respirator and Its Use in the Dental Setting.

  • Leslie A Oakes
  • Woo J Chi
  • Rasha H Welch
PMID: 33666919



COVID-19のパンデミックが発生して以来、呼吸器が注目されています。最も一般的に使用されているN95マスクが不足していることに加え、エアロゾルを発生させる処置(AGP)を行う際の保護を強化したいという要望から、歯科医療従事者(DHCP)は他の呼吸器を検討しています。PAPR(Powered Air-Purifying Respirator)は、呼吸器系病原体に対してより優れた保護を提供することが医学文献に記載されていますが、歯科医療の現場でPAPRを使用した事例は報告されていません。この調査報告では、異なる歯科医療従事者によるルーズフィット・フルフェイスピースPAPRの使用を評価しています。

BACKGROUND: Respirators have received much attention since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to a substantial shortage of the most commonly used respirator, the N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator (N95), as well as the desire to have added protection while performing aerosol generating procedures (AGPs), dental healthcare personnel (DHCP) have considered alternative respirator options. It is well documented in the medical literature that the Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR) provides better protection against respiratory pathogens; however, there are no reported cases that describe the use of PAPRs in the dental setting. This survey report evaluates the use of a loose-fitting full facepiece PAPR by different dental providers.



OBJECTIVE: To determine if a PAPR can be used in the dental setting and identify any potential barriers to use.


ウォルター・リード国立軍事医療センター(WRNMMC)および海軍大学院歯学部(NPDS)の一般歯科、歯科衛生士、小児歯科、歯内療法、歯科矯正学、口腔顎顔面外科、顎顔面補綴学を代表する11人のDHCPに、AGPを行う際にMAXAIR PAPRを装着してもらいました。その後,14の質問に回答してもらいました。

METHODS: Eleven DHCP representing general dentistry, dental hygiene, pediatric dentistry, endodontics, orthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery and maxillofacial prosthodontics at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) and Naval Postgraduate Dental School (NPDS) were asked to wear the MAXAIR PAPR while performing an AGP. They then completed a 14-question survey.


回答率は100%であった。結果 100%の回答率で、歯内療法士を除く全てのDHCPが、術中にMAXAIR PAPRを装着することができました。全てのDHが、MAXAIRは予想以上に快適だったと回答しました。曇りや視界不良の報告はなく、呼吸にも影響はなく、騒音も許容範囲内でした。着脱に要した時間は平均5分でした。すべてのDHCPがルーペを装着できたが、ヘッドライトを装着できないDHCPもいた。2人のDHCPが軽度の閉所恐怖症を訴えましたが、2人とも問題なくPAPRを使用することができました。44%がN95よりPAPRを好んだ。

RESULTS: There was a 100% response rate. All DHCP with the exception of the endodontist were able to successfully wear the MAXAIR PAPR for the duration of their procedure. All DHCP reported that the PAPR was more comfortable than expected. There were no reports of fogging or hindrance to visibility, breathing was unaffected or enhanced, and the noise level was tolerable. Average time to don and doff the PAPR was 5 minutes. All DHCP were able to wear loupes; some were not able to wear a headlight. Two DHCP reported a history of mild claustrophobia, and both were able to tolerate the PAPR without any issue. 44% preferred the PAPR over the N95.



CONCLUSION: This preliminary survey of a loose-fitting PAPR in the dental setting suggests there is a place for PAPRs in the dental community.