Impact of a geriatric assessment and optimisation-based preoperative clinic on the management of older patients receiving dental treatment under general anaesthetic or conscious sedation: A service evaluation.
PMID: 35460087
OBJECTIVES: The main objectives of the study were to review patient characteristics, recommendations made and treatment outcomes of frail/older patients referred to a specialist multidisciplinary geriatric assessment and optimisation-based preoperative clinic (PROKARE), prior to patients receiving dental treatment under general anaesthesia (GA) or conscious sedation (CS).
BACKGROUND: Although the use of preoperative comprehensive geriatric assessment to improve pre/peri and postoperative mortality has been reported for many surgical domains, its use prior to dental surgery has not been reported previously.
METHODS: The data were collected retrospectively from the dental notes of 52 patients referred from the Special Care Dental (SCD) Department to the PROKARE service for optimisation prior to dental treatment under GA/CS using a case note study approach. The data extracted included patient demographic characteristics, medical history, clinical management and the treatment outcomes for each patient. The data extracted was analysed with descriptive statistics.
紹介の主な理由は、う蝕管理、歯根残留、協力的でないことであった。紹介された患者には複数の併存疾患が認められ、14名(27%)が4つ以上の併存疾患を有していた。PROKARE の評価では,GA ではなく CS での治療が可能であること,同意が必要であること,薬物の変更および/またはさらなる医学的調査 の必要性などの問題が指摘された.PROKAREの推奨に従い,39名(75%)が歯科治療を受け,5名(10%)が治療を受けず,さらに8名(15%)が治療前に死亡した。
RESULTS: Key reasons for referral were caries management, retained roots and poor co-operation. Multiple co-morbidities were noted among the patients referred, with 14 (27%) having four or more co-morbidities. The PROKARE assessment identified issues such as treatment could be carried out under CS instead of GA; consent; and the need for medication change and/or further medical investigations. As per recommendations from PROKARE, 39 patients (75%) received dental treatment while five (10%) did not receive treatment, and a further eight (15%) died prior to treatment.
CONCLUSION: Geriatric assessment and optimisation-based preoperative clinics in the dental management of frail, elderly patients having treatment under GA or CS techniques is valuable, but further research and assessment of current service provision are needed to increase the evidence base.