口腔がんおよび前がん病変を発見するための口腔自己検診に関する情報源としての YouTube 動画の評価
Evaluation of YouTube Videos as a Source of Information About Oral Self-examination to Detect Oral Cancer and Precancerous Lesions.
PMID: 35462738
本研究の目的は、口腔がんおよび前がん病変を発見するための口腔自己検診に関する YouTube 動画の品質、信頼性および包括性を調査し、動画の発信源、時間、品質、信頼性および包括性が動画の知名度や人気に影響を与えるかどうかを評価することであった。
Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate quality, reliability, and comprehensiveness of YouTube videos about oral self-examination to detect oral cancer and precancerous lesions and to assess whether the source, duration, quality, reliability, and/or comprehensiveness of videos influence their visibility and popularity.
口腔内視鏡検査に類似した8つのキーワードでYouTubeの動画を検索した.各検索語に対する最初の 100 件の動画を対象とした。厳密な除外基準を設定し,動画の品質,信頼性,網羅性を評価した.動画のアップロード日,再生回数,「好き」「嫌い」,再生時間,出典を記録した.また、各動画の視聴率とインタラクション指数を算出した。
Materials and Methods: Videos on YouTube were searched using eight keywords similar to oral self-examination. The first 100 videos for each search term were included. Strict inclusion and exclusion criteria were adhered to, and videos were assessed for quality, reliability, and comprehensiveness. Upload date, views, likes, dislikes, duration, and source of the videos were noted. Viewing rate and interaction index were calculated for each video.
Results: A total of 800 videos were analyzed, 24 of which met the inclusion criteria. Majority of videos (87%) were uploaded by the healthcare group. The visibility, quality, reliability, and comprehensiveness were higher in videos uploaded by the healthcare group when compared with the non-healthcare group, but not at a level of statistical significance. The mean interaction index score of the non-healthcare group was found to be higher than the healthcare group, with statistically significant difference. Duration of videos showed an impact on the comprehensiveness of the videos.
YouTubeには口腔内セルフチェックに関する動画が比較的少なく、その多くは品質、信頼性、包括性において満足できるものではない。このツールを活用することで,口腔内セルフチェックの認知度を向上させることができる可能性がある.現在,一般市民にとって重要な情報源となっている YouTube に,口腔内視診に関する情報が網羅された動画をアップロードすることが必要である.
Conclusion: There are relatively few videos on oral self-examination on YouTube, and most do not have satisfactory quality, reliability, and comprehensiveness. There is a potential to increase public awareness about oral self-examination by utilizing this tool. Videos with complete and accurate information regarding oral self-examination must be uploaded to YouTube, which is currently an important source of information for the general public.