The additive effects of carnitine and ascorbic acid on distally burned dorsal skin flap in rats.
PMID: 15917712
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of combined use of L-carnitine and vitamin C on partially burned skin flap in an experimental rat model.
ラット背部皮膚に、10 x 3 cmのフラップをマークした。最遠位3 x 3 cmの部分を完全な厚さに焼いた。24匹のラットを無作為に4群に分け、各群に6匹ずつを配置した。グループ1は単に経過観察した。グループ2には1日0.5mg/kgのビタミンCを7日間、グループ3には1日100mg/kgのカルニチンを7日間、グループ4にはカルニチンとビタミンCの両方を投与し、術後8日目に動物を犠牲にして調べた。生存領域と壊死領域はマクロスコピックな検査で決定し、プラニメーターを用いて測定した。
MATERIAL/METHODS: In the rat dorsal skin, a 10 x 3 cm flap was marked. The most distal 3 x 3 cm part was burned to full thickness. Twenty-four rats were randomized into four groups with 6 animals in each. Group 1 was simply followed up. Group 2 was given 0.5 mg/kg vitamin C per day for 7 days, group 3 100 mg/kg carnitine per day for 7 days, and group 4 both carnitine and vitamin C. On the eighth postoperative day, the animals were sacrificed and examined. The surviving and necrotic areas were determined by macroscopic examination and measured with a planimeter.
フラップ壊死の面積を測定した。各群の生存面積およびフラップ壊死面積の中央値は、第1群16.0 cm(2) および 14.0 cm(2); 第2群18.25 cm(2) および 11.75 cm(2); 第3群20.0 cm(2) および 10 cm(2); 第4群 23.75 cm(2) および 6.25 cm(2) であった。各群の生存面積は有意に異なることがわかった(p=0.000)。
RESULTS: The areas of flap necrosis were measured. The median surviving areas and areas of flap necrosis, respectively, of the groups were: group 1, 16.0 cm(2) and 14.0 cm(2); group 2, 18.25 cm(2) and 11.75 cm(2); group 3, 20.0 cm(2) and 10 cm(2) ; and group 4, 23.75 cm(2) and 6.25 cm(2). The surviving areas of the groups were found to be significantly different (p=0.000).
CONCLUSIONS: The risk of ischemia-induced necrosis in flap attempts made in damaged tissues may be reduced by the combination of two promising agents, L-carnitine and vitamin C. L-carnitine appears to be the major contributing factor that reduces necrosis, and vitamin C an additive agent.