Does the use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic impact on oral hygiene habits, oral conditions, reasons to seek dental care and esthetic concerns?
PMID: 33841736
BACKGROUND: To evaluate the impact of the use of face masks on oral hygiene habits; oral conditions self-perception; reasons to seek dental treatment; and esthetic concerns.
本研究の目的に関連した質問を含む Web ベースのアンケートに 1346 名の参加者が回答した。記述統計を行い、カイ二乗検定と回帰分析で回答を分析した。
MATERIAL AND METHODS: 1346 participants answered a web-based survey with questions related to the aims of the study. Descriptive statistic was performed and the responses were analyzed with chi-square test and regression analysis.
RESULTS: With the use of masks, toothbrushing frequency decreased significantly, and people are significantly less concerned about oral hygiene. The number of subjects that reported to have halitosis increased significantly and this was associated with a decrease in toothbrushing frequency. The greatest complaints of subjects were teeth color and alignment. The prevalence of bruxism increased significantly. Overall, 94.1% considered that esthetics is important to seek dental care even with the use of masks, and 84.2% are maintaining usual periodic dental care. People are significantly less concerned with their smile and dental esthetics with the use of masks.
CONCLUSIONS: With the use of face mask, people must be motivated regarding maintaining oral hygiene habits. Some respondents will seek dental care only when masks were no longer necessary, therefore dentists must be aware of a reduction in the volume of patients. Dental health surveys, esthetics, oral hygiene, dental care, COVID-19, behavior.