Use of rheumatoid arthritis impact of disease (RAID) in routine care; identification of DAS28 remission and unmet patient-reported outcomes.
PMID: 32685911 PMCID: PMC7359769. DOI: 10.1093/rap/rkaa013.
Objective: The aim was to assess how the patient-reported outcome RA impact of disease (RAID) relates to DAS28 categories in routine care, its utility in identifying patients in DAS28 remission (RDAS) or low disease activity (LDAS) and the burden of unmet patient-reported needs in those achieving RDAS/LDAS.
DAS28とRAIDのスコアは、日常診療に通院している既往のRA患者から収集した。RAIDとDAS28の関係は、一変量対相関と混合効果線形回帰分析を用いて評価した。RAID <2は患者が受け入れ可能な状態と定義された。
Methods: DAS28 and RAID scores were collected from patients with established RA attending for routine review. The relationship between RAID and DAS28 was assessed with univariate pairwise correlation and mixed-effects linear regression analyses. RAID <2 was defined as a patient-acceptable state.
DAS28-CRPのカテゴリーを用いて、198人の患者を評価し、220件の観察を行った。RDAS 47.5%、LDAS 14.1%、中等度DAS(MDAS)31.8%、高DAS(HDAS)6.6%であった。患者のビジュアルアナログスケールスコアと圧痛関節数の両方が、線形回帰を用いてRAIDと高い統計的関連性を示した(<0.0001)。DAS28-CRPカテゴリーごとの平均RAIDスコアはRDAS 1.84、LDAS 4.78、MDAS 5.60、HDAS 7.68であり、線形回帰ではDAS-CRPまたはDAS28-ESRの単位増加あたりのRAIDの統計的に有意な増加が認められました(<0.001)。RAID<2の患者66人中、64人(97%)がRDAS、65人(98.5%)がRDAS/LDASであった。RDAS/LDASでは134人の患者のうち、69人(51.5%)でRAIDが2以上で、疲労と睡眠がワーストスコアの領域であった。
Results: One hundred and ninety-eight patients were assessed, with 220 observations, using DAS28-CRP categories: 47.5% RDAS, 14.1% LDAS, 31.8% moderate DAS (MDAS) and 6.6% high DAS (HDAS). Both patient visual analog scale score and tender joint count exhibited a high statistical association with RAID using linear regression ( < 0.0001). The mean RAID score per DAS28-CRP category was RDAS 1.84, LDAS 4.78, MDAS 5.60 and HDAS 7.68, with a statistically significant increase in RAID per unit increase in DAS-CRP or DAS28-ESR on linear regression ( < 0.001). Of 66 patients with RAID <2, 64 (97%) were in RDAS and 65 (98.5%) in RDAS/LDAS. Of 134 patients in RDAS/LDAS, RAID was ≥2 in 69 (51.5%), with fatigue and sleep being the worst-scoring domains.
Conclusion: RAID functions well as a patient-reported outcome in routine care. Patients with RAID <2 have a high likelihood of being in RDAS/LDAS and, if pre-screened, could avoid a clinic visit. Analysis of RAID domains provides individualized targets for holistic care in RA management, with fatigue and sleep problems dominating unmet needs in those in RDAS/LDAS.
© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Rheumatology.