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Oper Dent.2020 Jan/Feb;45(1):E1-E10. doi: 10.2341/18-149-C.


Clinical Effects of Desensitizing Prefilled Disposable Trays in In-office Bleaching: A Randomized Single-blind Clinical Trial.

  • L M Martins
  • L A Lima E Souza
  • E Sutil
  • L M da Silva
  • Jos Silva
  • A Reis
  • A D Loguercio
PMID: 31891544 DOI: 10.2341/18-149-C.




OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the desensitizing effect of a prefilled disposable tray containing potassium nitrate and fluoride on the self-reported tooth sensitivity (TS) and the bleaching efficacy of 40% hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent used for in-office bleaching in comparison with potassium nitrate and fluoride gel applied in a conventional-delivered tray system in an equivalence clinical trial.


この単盲検(評価者)無作為化臨床試験には,右上顎犬歯の色がA3よりも濃い患者78名が選ばれた.歯の漂白は2回のセッションで行われ、その間は1週間の間隔をおいて行われた。院内漂白の前に、プレフィルドディスポーザブルトレイまたは硝酸カリウムとフッ化物を含む従来のトレイを15分間使用した。その後、漂白剤を各セッションで20分間の塗布を2回行った(製造元の指示に従った)。色の変化を、ベースライン時および最初の漂白セッションの30日後に、主観的方法(ビタ古典およびビタ漂白ガイド)および客観的方法(イージーシェードアドバンス分光光度計)により評価した。TSは、0〜10の視覚的アナログスケールを用いて48時間まで記録した。絶対リスクはカイ二乗検定で評価し、TSの強度はマクネマー検定(α=0.05)で評価した。シェードガイド単位の色の変化とΔEは独立標本のStudent -検定で解析した(α=0.05)。

METHODS AND MATERIALS: Seventy-eight patients, with a right maxillary canine darker than A3, were selected for this single-blind (evaluators), randomized clinical trial. Teeth were bleached in two sessions with a one-week interval in between. Before in-office bleaching, the prefilled disposable tray or conventional tray containing potassium nitrate and fluoride was used for 15 minutes. Subsequently, the bleaching agent was applied in two 20-minute applications (per the manufacturer's directions) in each session. The color change was evaluated by subjective (Vita Classical and Vita Bleachedguide) and objective (Easyshade Advance Spectrophotometer) methods at baseline and 30 days after the first bleaching session. TS was recorded for up to 48 hours using a 0-10 visual analog scale. The absolute risk was evaluated by chi-square test, while the intensity of TS was evaluated by McNemar test (α=0.05). Color change in shade guide units and ΔE was analyzed by Student -test for independent samples (α=0.05).



RESULTS: Significant whitening was observed in both groups after 30 days of clinical evaluation. The use of different methods of desensitizer in a tray did not influence the absolute risk and intensity of TS (>0.05), although a tendency of lower risk of TS with the prefilled disposable tray containing potassium nitrate and fluoride was observed.



CONCLUSION: The use of a prefilled disposable tray containing potassium nitrate and fluoride before the application of the in-office bleaching product did not affect the whitening degree and decreased self-reported TS when compared with a conventional-delivered tray system.