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J Assoc Physicians India.2020 Jun;68(6):30-31.


Observation on Treatment of Drug Resistant Kala-azar Patients with Fungizone in Patna, Bihar.

  • C P Thakur
  • Kanisk Sinha
PMID: 32610876


薬剤耐性カラアザール患者54例、一部はstibogluconateナトリウム、アンビソーム単回投与でも耐性を示し、一部はmiltefosineに耐性を示した。必要な検査はすべて行われ、脾臓吸引はLD体陽性であった。これらの患者にはすべてフンジゾンを1mg/kg体重あたり5%のブドウ糖で希釈し、4時間でゆっくりと投与した。21日目に脾臓吸引を行い、その他の必要な検査を繰り返した。脾臓吸引では1例を除いてLD体は検出されなかった。最初に全例を2つのグループに分け、1つのグループには治療期間中に十分なミルクを与え、もう1つのグループには十分な量の魚を食べさせた。最終的に両群の患者を比較した。寄生虫学的クリアランスに関しては、両群間に差はなかった。寄生虫学的クリアランスに関しては両群間に差はなく、HIV感染者1名を除いて全ての患者に寄生虫学的クリアランスが認められた。体重は両群ともに改善した。HIVを持つ患者は、カラアザールの寄生虫のために陰性になるために抗カラアザール薬の3コースを必要とした。そのケースは、HIV の治療も与えられました。彼はカラアザールの陰性になった瞬間、彼は逃げた。

54 cases of drug resistant kala-azar patients, some cases were resistant to sodium stibogluconate, some to even single dose of ambisome and some to miltefosine came to us for treatment. All necessary investigations were done and splenic aspirations were positive for LD bodies. All these patients were treated with Fungizone at a dose of 1mg/kg body wt diluted with 5% glucose and given slowly in 4 hours. On the day 21st splenic aspiration was done and other necessary investigations were repeated. LD body was not found in any splenic aspirate except one case with HIV. Initially all the patients were divided into two groups, one group was fed adequate milk during their course of treatment and other group adequate amount of fish in their diet. The patients in both the groups were compared in the end. There was no difference between two groups regarding parasitological clearance. All the patients had parasitological cure except one patient with HIV. The weight of the patients improved in both groups. The patient with HIV needed 3 courses of anti kala-azar drug to become negative for parasites of kala-azar i.e LD body. That cases was given treatment for HIV also. The moment he became negative of kala-azar, he fled away.

© Journal of the Association of Physicians of India 2011.