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Lancet Child Adolesc Health.2023 Dec;7(12):863-874.


Prospective associations between ADHD symptoms and physical conditions from early childhood to adolescence: a population-based longitudinal study.

PMID: 37973252




BACKGROUND: The co-occurrence between attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and physical conditions is frequent but often goes unrecognised. Most available evidence on the links between ADHD and physical conditions relies on cross-sectional studies. Understanding temporal sequences of associations is key to inform appropriate treatment and preventive strategies. We aimed to assess possible longitudinal associations between ADHD symptoms and a broad range of physical conditions, adjusting for several confounding factors.


参加者は集団ベースのQuebec Longitudinal Study of Child Developmentから得た。参加者は、カナダのケベック州で1997年10月から1998年7月にかけて募集されたケベック出生登録から選ばれ、幼児期(n=2120;5ヵ月~5歳)、中年期(n=1750;6~12歳)、青年期(n=1573;13~17歳)に追跡調査が行われた。主なアウトカム評価項目は、ADHD症状の重症度と身体的状態であり、幼児期ではその子を最もよく知る人、中年期では教師、青年期では自己申告によって報告された。多変量回帰分析を行い、複数の交絡因子を調整した上で、ADHD症状とその後の身体的状態、身体的状態とその後のADHD症状との前向き関連を検討した。

METHODS: Participants came from the population-based Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development. Participants were selected from the Quebec Birth Registry, recruited between October, 1997, and July, 1998, from the province of Quebec, Canada, and followed up in early childhood (n=2120; age 5 months-5 years), middle childhood (n=1750; age 6-12 years), and adolescence (n=1573; age 13-17 years). Main outcome measures included ADHD symptom severity and physical conditions, which were reported by the person most knowledgeable of the child in early childhood, by teachers in middle childhood, and self-reported in adolescence. Multivariable regression analyses were conducted to study the prospective associations between ADHD symptoms and later physical conditions, and physical conditions and later ADHD symptoms, adjusting for multiple confounders.


ADHD症状と、喘息、高BMI(平均より1SD以上高い)、てんかん、虫歯、急性感染症、外傷、睡眠障害などの身体的状態との間に、いくつかの前向きな関連が認められた。主要な交絡因子を調整した後も、いくつかの関連が残った:幼児期におけるADHD症状は、後に中年期における高BMI(オッズ比[OR]1-19[95%CI 1-05-1-35])および青年期(OR 1-14[1-01-1-29])、および青年期における不慮の怪我(OR 1-10[1-01-1-21])と関連していた。幼児期中期のADHD症状は、青年期以降のう蝕と有意に関連していた(OR 1-10 [1-01-1-20])。幼児期の不慮の傷害は、幼児期中期のADHD症状(標準化平均差[SMD]0-15 [0-05-0-24])および青年期のADHD症状(SMD 0-13[0-04-0-23])と関連していた。13 [0-04-0-23]),幼児期中期のレストレスレッグス症候群の症状は,青年期以降のADHD症状と関連していた(SMD 0-15 [0-05-0-25])。

FINDINGS: We found several prospective associations between ADHD symptoms and physical conditions including asthma, high BMI (≥1 SD above the mean), epilepsy, dental caries, acute infections, injuries, and sleep problems. After adjusting for key confounding factors, several associations remained: ADHD symptoms in early childhood were associated with later high BMI during middle childhood (odds ratio [OR] 1·19 [95% CI 1·05-1·35]) and adolescence (OR 1·14 [1·01-1·29]), and with unintentional injuries during adolescence (OR 1·10 [1·01-1·21]). ADHD symptoms in middle childhood were significantly associated with later dental caries during adolescence (OR 1·10 [1·01-1·20]). Unintentional injuries in early childhood were associated with later ADHD symptoms in middle childhood (standardised mean difference [SMD] 0·15 [0·05-0·24]) and adolescence (SMD 0·13 [0·04-0·23]), and restless legs syndrome symptoms in middle childhood were associated with later ADHD symptoms in adolescence (SMD 0·15 [0·05-0·25]).



INTERPRETATION: Our results point to the need to carefully monitor children with ADHD in early or middle childhood for several physical conditions, and to monitor children with particular physical conditions for ADHD symptoms. Our study also calls for policies to promote more integrated health-care systems for children with complex mental and physical needs, bridging the current gap between mental and physical health-care services.


ケベック州政府保健省、教育省、家族省、Lucie and André Chagnon財団、Robert-Sauvé労働安全衛生研究所、ケベック統計研究所、Fonds de Recherche du Quéベック・サンテ財団、ケベック社会文化研究財団、カナダ人文社会科学研究評議会、カナダ保健研究所、サント・ジュスティーヌ研究センター、フランス国立研究庁。

FUNDING: Québec Government's Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Family Affairs; The Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation; the Robert-Sauvé Research Institute of Health and Safety at Work; the Québec Statistics Institute; the Fonds de Recherche du Québec-Santé; the Fonds de Recherche du Québec-Societé et Culture; Canada's Social Science and Humanities Research Council; the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Sainte-Justine Research Center; and the French National Research Agency.



TRANSLATION: For the French translation of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section.