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Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent.2023 Oct;0(0).


Effect of Schneider Membrane Thickness on Membrane Perforation and Bone Augmentation in Transcrestal Sinus Floor Elevation: a Retrospective Study.

PMID: 37819853


目的 シュナイダー膜肥厚は一般的な上顎洞疾患である。しかし、シュナイダー膜の厚みが経上顎洞底挙上術に及ぼす影響については、未だコンセンサスが得られていない。本レトロスペクティブ研究では、異なるSchneider膜の厚みを有する経上顎洞底挙上術部位の穿孔および骨形成の結果を評価した。材料と方法 この研究には、経皮的洞底挙上術を受けた87人の患者117部位が含まれた。手術部位をベースラインのシュナイダー膜の厚さにより、A群(0~1mm)、B群(1~2mm)、C群(2~4mm)、D群(>4mm)の4群に分けた。CBCTは術前(T0)、術直後(T1)、術後6ヵ月後に撮影された。平均残存歯槽骨高さは6.58±1.85mmであった。平均洞内新生骨高は3.76±1.95mmであった。穿孔率と洞内新生骨の高さは、メンブレンの厚さが異なるグループ間で有意差は認められなかった(p > 0.05)。結論:骨膜閉塞を伴わない骨膜肥厚は、穿孔率および骨形成において、経皮的洞底挙上術にほとんど影響を与えない可能性がある。加えて、喫煙は膜肥厚の危険因子であり、喫煙者の膜は経皮的洞底挙上術中に穿孔しやすい。

Objectives Schneider membrane thickening is a common maxillary sinus disease. However, the effect of Schneider membrane thickness on the transcrestal sinus floor elevation still has not reached a consensus. This retrospective study evaluated the perforation and bone formation outcome of the transcrestal sinus floor elevation sites with different Schneider membrane thicknesses. Material and Methods 117 sites of 87 patients treated with transcrestal sinus floor elevation were included in this study. The surgical sites were divided into four groups according to the baseline Schneider membrane thickness: group A (0 - 1 mm), group B (1 - 2 mm), group C (2 - 4 mm),and group D ( > 4 mm). The CBCT was taken before the surgery (T0), immediately after the surgery (T1), and 6 months after the surgery. Results The mean baseline Schneider membrane thickness was 2.16 ± 2.54 mm.The mean residual alveolar bone height was 6.58±1.85 mm. The mean endo-sinus new bone height was 3.76 ± 1.95 mm. The perforation rate and endo-sinus new bone height showed no significant difference among the groups of different membrane thicknesses (p > 0.05). The incidence rates of membrane thickening and perforation were significantly higher in the smoking patients (p < 0.05).Conclusions Membrane thickening without ostium obstruction may have little impact on transcrestal sinus floor elevation surgery in perforation rate and bone formation. In addition, smoking may be a risk factor for membrane thickening and the membrane of smoker is more likely to perforate during the transcrestal surgery.