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Pediatr Dent.2023 Jul;45(4):320-325.


Early Introduction of Total Sugar Foods and Early Childhood Caries.

PMID: 37605350


未就学児の生後6ヵ月における全糖食品(TSF)の導入と幼児期う蝕(ECC)の有病率および歯髄への影響との関連を評価すること。 ブラジルのRibeirão das Neves市の就学前児童533人(4~6歳)を対象に代表的な横断研究を実施した。ECCの判定には、虫歯、欠損、充填歯(dmft)指数を用いた。う蝕の歯髄への影響については、可視歯髄、歯根片による口腔粘膜潰瘍、瘻孔、膿瘍(pufa)指数を用いた。保護者は、社会人口統計学的特徴および小児の食生活に関するアンケートに回答した。統計解析は多重ロジスティック回帰を用いて行った(P<0.05)。 家族の所得と母乳育児で調整した多重ロジスティック回帰モデルでは、生後6ヵ月以前にTSFを導入された未就学児は、ECCに罹患する可能性が1.58倍高いことが示された(95%信頼区間は1.09~2.30に等しい)。家庭の所得、母乳育児、ブラッシング行動で調整した多重ロジスティック回帰モデルでは、生後6ヵ月より前にTSFを導入された未就学児は、歯周病結果を有する可能性が2.30倍高いことが示された(95%信頼区間は1.35~3.91)。 TSFの早期導入は、就学前児童における早期う蝕および歯髄損傷の高い有病率と関連している。口腔の健康に対する悪影響は、TSFの導入が生後6ヵ月以前であればあるほど大きくなる可能性がある。

To evaluate the association between the introduction of total sugar foods (TSF) in the first six months of age and the prevalence of early childhood caries (ECC) and its consequences for dental pulp in preschool children. A representative cross-sectional study was conducted with 533 preschool children (four to six years old) in Ribeirão das Neves, Brazil. The decayed, missing, and filled teeth (dmft) index was used for determining ECC. The visible pulp, oral mucosa ulceration due to root fragments, fistula, and abscess (pufa) index was used for the pulp consequences of dental caries. Parents/caregivers answered a questionnaire addressing sociodemographic characteristics and the children's diet. Statistical analysis was performed using multiple logistic regression (P<0.05). The multiple logistic regression model adjusted for family income and breastfeeding showed that preschool children who were introduced to TSF prior to six months of age were 1.58 times more likely to have ECC (95 percent confidence interval equals 1.09 to 2.30). The multiple logistic regression model, adjusted for family income, breastfeeding, and brushing behaviors, showed that preschool children who were introduced to TSF prior to six months of age were 2.30 times more likely to have pulp consequences (95 percent confidence interval equals 1.35 to 3.91). The early introduction TSF is associated with a higher prevalence of early childhood caries and pulp consequences in preschool children. The negative effects on oral health may be greater when the introduction of TSF occurs prior to six months of age.