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Biomedicines.2023 Jun;11(7).

感染根管からのバイオフィルム除去におけるインドシアニングリーンを用いたSWEEPSプラス抗菌光線力学療法の評価:In Vitro試験

The Evaluation of SWEEPS Plus Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy with Indocyanine Green in Eliminating Biofilm from Infected Root Canals: An In Vitro Study.

PMID: 37509490




OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess the efficacy of shockwave-enhanced emission photoacoustic streaming (SWEEPS) plus antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) using indocyanine green (ICG) for the elimination of biofilm from infected root canals.


30本の健全なヒト単一根管歯を選択し、根の長さが12mmになるように規格化した。根管はProTaper回転ファイルを用いて形成・準備した。歯の滅菌後、根管に2週間植菌した。その後、歯をコントロール、ICG、ICG+808nmダイオードレーザー、ICG+SWEEPS、ICG+808nmダイオードレーザー+SWEEPS、5.25%次亜塩素酸ナトリウム(NaOCl)の6群(n=5)に無作為に分けた。処理後、各群についてコロニー形成単位(CFUs)/mLを算出した。統計解析は一元配置分散分析を用いて行った。多重比較には、Tukey's testをpost hoc testとして用いた。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: thirty sound human single-canal teeth were chosen and standardized to have 12 mm of root length. The root canals were shaped and prepared by means of ProTaper rotary files. After sterilization of the teeth, the canals were inoculated with for 2 weeks. The teeth were then randomly divided into six groups (n = five) of control, ICG, ICG + 808 nm diode laser, ICG + SWEEPS, ICG + 808 nm diode laser + SWEEPS, and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). Following treatment, the number of colony-forming units (CFUs)/mL were calculated for each group. Statistical analysis was carried out using one-way ANOVA. For multiple comparisons, Tukey's test was used as the post hoc test.


NaOCl単独投与が最も高い有効性を示した(< 0.001)。ICG + 808 nmダイオードレーザー + SWEEPS群は、ICG + 808 nmダイオードレーザーまたはSWEEPS群よりも有意に細菌量が少なかった(< 0.001)。ICG + 808 nmダイオードレーザーとICG + SWEEPSの間には、統計的に有意な差が検出された(= 0.035)。

RESULTS: NaOCl alone showed the highest efficacy ( < 0.001). The ICG + 808 nm diode laser + SWEEPS group displayed significantly lower amounts of bacteria than either the ICG + 808 nm diode laser or SWEEPS ( < 0.001). There was a statistically significant difference detected between the ICG + 808 nm diode laser and ICG + SWEEPS ( = 0.035).



CONCLUSIONS: SWEEPS can effectively increase the photosensitizer distribution in the root canal space, and its application along with irrigants can bring about promising results.