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Int J Comput Dent.2023 Jul;0(0):0.

従来法(Emaxプレス)とCAD/CAM法(Emax CAD)で作製した二ケイ酸リチウム単冠の辺縁適合性の評価:システマティックレビューとメタアナリシス

Evaluation of the marginal fit of lithium disilicate single crowns fabricated with the conventional (Emax press) and the CAD/CAM (Emax CAD) method: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

PMID: 37477084




AIM: The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to evaluate the marginal adaptation of single unit full coverage lithium disilicate fixed dental restorations fabricated with the conventional heat pressed technique and the digital CAD/CAM workflow.


本研究は、Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- Analyses(PRISMA)声明に従って行われた。研究調査は、PubMedおよびCochrane Libraryデータベースを介したMEDLINEでの検索と、2022年6月までに発表された研究のハンドサーチによって行われた。検索用語は、適切なMedical Subject Headings(MeSH用語)と、単一または複数の接続詞によるフリーテキストの単語を組み合わせた。含まれる研究のバイアスリスクを評価するために修正方法論的指標を用いた。ランダム効果モデルを適用して効果推定値をプールし、Q検定とI2指標を用いて研究間の異質性をさらに評価した。すべての統計解析は、Rstudioソフトウェア、バージョン4.1.2、"meta "パッケージを使用して実施された。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study is according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- Analyses (PRISMA) statement. study research was conducted in MEDLINE via PubMed and Cochrane Library databases together with a hand search of studies published until June 2022. The search terms were combining suitable Medical Subject Headings (MeSH terms) together with free text words in single or multiple conjunctions. A modified methodological index was used to assess the risk of bias of the included studies. A random effect model was applied to pool the effect estimates, and further assessment of the heterogeneity across studies using the Q test and the I2 metric was conducted. All statistical analyses were performed using Rstudio software, version 4.1.2, using the "meta" package.


電子検索およびハンドサーチにより51件の論文が同定された。そのうち17件はin vitro試験で、in vivo試験は1件のみであった。しかし、in vitro研究の1つでは統計データが不足していたため、最初の18件のうち17件をメタ解析に含めることができた。統計解析はRstudioソフトウェアを用いて行った。メタアナリシスは、ランダム効果モデル(α=.05)を用いて行った。2つの製造方法の間に統計的な差は認められなかった(p値=0.49)。

RESULTS: The electronic search and hand search identified 51 articles. Eighteen met the inclusion criteria and were included in the systematic review, 17 of which were in vitro and only one was an in vivo study. However, 17 of the initial 18 could be included in the meta-analysis, due to lack of statistical data in one of the in vitro studies. Statistical analyses were conducted by using the Rstudio software program. Meta-analysis was performed with the random effects model (α=.05). No statistical difference was found between the two fabrication methods (p-value=0.49).



CONCLUSIONS: Although the mean marginal adaptation of lithium disilicate single crowns was found to be better with the heat-pressed technique, there was no statistical significance with the CAD/CAM fabricated restorations and both resulted in a clinically acceptable result. Nonetheless, more clinical studies are needed for safer conclusions.