Clear aligner therapy in the mixed dentition: Indications and practitioner perspectives.
PMID: 36898898
INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated current trends and perspectives among orthodontists regarding clear aligner therapy in the mixed dentition (CAMD), including insights into perceived indications, compliance, oral hygiene, and other factors.
METHODS: An original, 22-item survey was mailed to a randomized, nationally representative sample of practicing orthodontists (n = 800) and a specific, randomized subsample of high-aligner-prescribing orthodontists (n = 200). Questions assessed respondents' demographic information, experience with clear aligner therapy, and perceived advantages and disadvantages of CAMD compared with fixed appliances (FAs). Responses were compared using McNemar's chi-square and paired t tests to assess CAMD vs FAs.
1,000人の歯科矯正医にアンケートを実施し、181人(18.1%)が12週間にわたって回答した。CAMDの使用は混合歯列FAよりも少なかったが、ほとんどの回答者が将来のCAMD使用の増加を予測していた(57.9%)。CAMDを使用している回答者のうち、クリアアライナーで治療している混合歯列の患者数は、クリアアライナーを使用している全患者数よりも有意に少なかった(23.7%対43.8%;P<0.0001)。CAMDの適応症として、骨格の拡大、成長の修正、矢状矯正、習慣の停止を挙げた回答者は、FAと比較して少なかった(P<0.0001)。認知されたコンプライアンスは、CAMDとFAで同程度であったが(P= 0.5841)、認知された口腔衛生はCAMDの方が有意に良好であった(P<0.0001)。
RESULTS: One thousand orthodontists were surveyed, and 181 (18.1%) responded over 12 weeks. CAMD use was less common than mixed dentition FAs, but most respondents predicted an increase in their future CAMD use (57.9%). Among respondents using CAMD, the number of patients with mixed dentition treated with clear aligners was significantly lower than the number of total patients with clear aligners (23.7% vs 43.8%; P <0.0001). Fewer respondents considered skeletal expansion, growth modification, sagittal correction, and habit cessation feasible indications for CAMD compared with FAs (P <0.0001). Perceived compliance was similar for CAMD and FAs (P = 0.5841), but perceived oral hygiene was significantly better with CAMD (P <0.0001).
CONCLUSIONS: CAMD is an increasingly common treatment modality for children. Most surveyed orthodontists reported limited indications for CAMD compared with FAs but perceived noticeable benefits for oral hygiene with CAMD.