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Br Dent J.2023 Feb;:1-5.


Association between children's resilience and practising oral habits: a cross-sectional study.

PMID: 36801961


はじめに レジリエンスとはストレス要因に対する緩衝性のことであるが、口腔習慣の実践はストレス要因に対する不適応行動であることが示唆されている。本研究の目的は、5~7歳の小児における口腔習慣の実践とレジリエンスとの関連を調査することである。材料と方法 レジリエンス評価ツールとしてChild and Youth Resilience Measure-Revised Person Most Knowledgeable version(PMK-CYRM-R)尺度を用い、習慣評価ツールとしてNordic Orofacial Test-Screen(NOT-S)のインタビューパートの第3ドメインを用いて、5校の児童の保護者を対象にGoogleフォームの電子質問票をソーシャルメディアを通じて配布した。質問票には227の回答があり、無習癖群(123;54.19%)と習慣実践群(104;45.81%)に分けられた。NOT-Sの面接パートの第3領域には、吸啜癖、ブラキシズム、爪噛み癖が含まれていた。各群についてPMK-CYRM-Rスコアの平均値を算出し、SPSS Statisticsパッケージを用いて統計解析を行った。結果 PMK-CYRM-Rスコアの合計は、無習癖群で46.05±3.63点、習癖実践群で44.10±3.59点であった(p = 0.0001)。結論 本研究の結果から、レジリエンスレベルの低い小児は口腔習慣を実践しやすい可能性が示唆された。

Introduction While resilience is the quality of being buffered against stressors, practising oral habits is suggested to be a maladaptive behaviour towards stressors. The relation between resilience and practising oral habits in children remains vague.Aims This study aims to investigate the association between practising oral habits and resilience in children aged 5-7 years.Materials and methods An electronic Google form questionnaire was distributed through social media among five schools' children's parents, utilising the Child and Youth Resilience Measure-Revised Person Most Knowledgeable version (PMK-CYRM-R) scale as a resilience assessment tool, and the third domain of interview part of the Nordic Orofacial Test-Screen (NOT-S) as a habit assessment tool. The questionnaire received 227 eligible responses which were divided into habit-free group (123; 54.19%) and habit-practising group (104; 45.81%). The third domain of the interview part of the NOT-S included sucking habit, bruxism and nail-biting habits. The mean PMK-CYRM-R scores were calculated for each group and statistical analysis was done using SPSS Statistics package.Results Total PMK-CYRM-R score was 46.05 ± 3.63 in the habit-free group and 44.10 ± 3.59 in the habit-practising group (p = 0.0001). Bruxism, nail-biting and sucking habit subgroups showed statistically significant lower personal resilience levels than the habit-free group.Conclusion The results of the current study suggest that children with low resilience levels may be more likely to practise oral habits.