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J Clin Periodontol.2023 Apr;50(4):520-532.


Longevity of teeth in patients susceptible to periodontitis: Clinical outcomes and risk factors associated with tooth loss after active therapy and 30 years of supportive periodontal care.

PMID: 36631984



(i)歯周炎に罹患しやすい患者において、30 年間の追跡調査期間中に歯周支持療法(SPC) を併用した積極的歯周治療の歯牙残存効果を評価すること、(ii)歯牙喪失に関連する予後因子を評価すること。

AIM: (i) To evaluate the efficacy of active periodontal therapy supplemented by supportive periodontal care (SPC) in retaining dentition during a 30-year follow-up period in patients susceptible to periodontitis, and (ii) to assess the prognostic factors associated with tooth loss.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: One-hundred and fifty-four patients with periodontitis, retrospectively classified as stage I-IV and grade B-C periodontitis, treated between 1984 and 1986 in a private practice, were enrolled in this study. After periodontal assessment, patients received non-surgical treatment followed by surgical periodontal therapy, orthodontic treatment, and tooth-splinting, where appropriate. SPC consisted of a strict recall programme every 3-6 months over a 30-year period. Recurrences were treated either with subgingival root planing or flap surgery. Dental and periodontal variables were measured at baseline (T0), end of active therapy (T1), and after 25 (T2) and 30 (T3) years. Generalized mixed models were analysed to assess the prognostic factors associated with and survival analyses for tooth loss.


ベースライン時(T0)に154人の患者(4083歯)のデータが得られた。治療の価値がないと判断された歯は、積極的治療中(160本、3.9%)と再評価時(13本、0.3%;T1)に抜歯された。SPC25年後、154人の患者3910本のうち140本(3.6%)が抜歯された(18人の患者24本は歯周病が原因)。25年から30年の間に、20人(482歯)が脱落し、61歯(2%)が失われた(14人中15人が歯周病が原因)。30年間のSPCで201歯(5.1%)が喪失した(39歯が歯周病理由)。一般化混合モデルでは、ステージIIIまたはステージIVの歯周炎は、ステージIまたはIIと比較して、SPC期間中に歯をより多く失うことと関連することが示された(OR=2.10; p=.048)。汎発性歯周炎は限局性歯周炎と比較して統計学的に有意なOR=3.24(p=.016)を示した。SPC(T1-T3)では、年齢(p=.011)、性別(男性;p=.038)、臼歯(p=<.001)、T0とT1のポケットの深さ(p=<.001)、歯の可動性グレード2(p=.018)と3(p=.050)、T0およびT1骨欠損(p=<.001)、根管治療(p=<.001)およびクラウン(p=.009)の有無は、歯牙喪失と統計学的に有意に関連していた。

RESULTS: Data on 154 patients (4083 teeth) were available at baseline (T0). Teeth considered unworthy of treatment were extracted during active therapy (160, 3.9%) and at re-assessment (13, 0.3%; T1). After 25 years of SPC, 140 teeth out of 3910 in 154 patients (3.6%) were lost (24 in 18 patients for periodontal reasons). Between 25 and 30 years, 20 patients (482 teeth) dropped out, and 61 teeth (2%) were lost (15 in 14 patients for periodontal reasons). Overall, 201 teeth (5.1%) were lost (39 for periodontal reasons) in 30 years of SPC. Generalized mixed models showed that stage III or stage IV periodontitis was associated with greater tooth loss during SPC compared to stage I or stage II (OR = 2.10; p = .048). Generalized periodontitis showed a statistically significant OR = 3.24 (p = .016) compared to the localized one. In SPC (T1-T3), age (p = .011), gender (male; p = .038), molar teeth (p = < .001), T0 and T1 pocket depth (p = < .001), tooth mobility grades 2 (p = .018) and 3 (p = .050), T0 and T1 bone loss (p = < .001), and presence of a root canal treatment (p = < .001) and a crown (p = .009) were statistically significantly associated with tooth loss.



CONCLUSION: (i) Periodontal therapy and a stringent SPC are effective in maintaining most of the teeth in patients with moderate/advanced periodontitis for 30 years, and (ii) age, gender, molar teeth, pocket depth, bone loss, and the presence of a root canal treatment and a crown are prognostic factors associated with tooth loss.