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J Indian Prosthodont Soc.2022;22(2):122-130.


Influence of presence or absence of posts on the failure rates of post endodontic restorations: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

PMID: 36511023




AIM: The study was designed to evaluate the existing evidence on the failure rates of post-endodontic restorations retained with and without post in endodontically treated teeth (ETT).


Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses- Protocol(PRISMA-P)ガイドラインを使用してレビューを作成した。

SETTINGS AND DESIGN: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses- Protocol (PRISMA-P) guidelines were used to formulate the review.


無作為化比較試験(RCT)および歯内療法後の修復物の保定をポストあり、ポストなしで比較した前向き臨床研究を対象とした。PubMed/Medline、Embase、Cochrane Library、Scopus の各データベースを検索し、関連する英語のフルテキスト論文を抽出した。RCTの質はCochrane collaboration toolを用いてバイアスのリスクを評価し、リスクが高い、低い、または不明であると報告した。メタ解析には95%信頼区間でのランダム効果モデルを用いた。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Randomized controlled trials (RCT's) and prospective clinical studies comparing post endodontic restorations retained with and without post were included. PubMed/Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library and Scopus databases were searched to recognize relevant full-text articles in English language. The quality of the RCT's were evaluated using the Cochrane collaboration tool to assess the risk of bias and reported as having high, low or unclear risk. Random-effects model at a 95% confidence interval was used for the meta-analysis.


メタアナリシスはMantel -Haenszel法31を用いて行い、リスク比は95%信頼区間(CI)とともに二値データについて推定した。プーリング法にはランダム効果モデル32を用い、95%信頼区間(RR値についてはα=0.05)はReview Manager(RevMan)[コンピュータープログラム]を用いた。バージョン5.4。The Cochrane Collaboration、2020)。

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Meta-analyses was performed using the Mantel -Haenszel method31 and risk ratio, with a 95% confidence interval (CI), was estimated for dichotomous data. Random effects model32 was used as the pooling method and 95% confident interval (α = .05 for RR values) in Review Manager (RevMan) [Computer program]. Version 5.4. The Cochrane Collaboration, 2020).



RESULTS: Four studies comparing post retained and post free restorations in ETT with a total of 916 restorations were included in the analysis. The total risk ratio was 2.16, (95% CI:1.25 to 3.72).


ポストリテインを用いたETT修復物は、ポストを用いない修復物 と比較して、有意に低い失敗率を示した。ポスト・リテインド・レストレーションに関する臨床プロトコルを開発するためには、十分にデザインされたRCTが必要である。

CONCLUSION: ETT with post retained restorations exhibited significantly lower failure rates compared to restorations without post. Well-designed RCT's are warranted to develop a clinical protocol with respect to post-retained restorations.