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Dent Res J (Isfahan).2022;19:84.


comparison of bioceramic putty and mineral trioxide aggregate as pulpotomy medicament in primary molars. A 12-month follow-up randomized clinical trial.

PMID: 36426282




BACKGROUND: Pulpotomy is one of the common vital pulp therapy procedures for primary molars. The present trend in pulpotomy materials is to use regenerative materials that promote dentinogenesis. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is a very popular pulpotomy material. However, it has some limitations including difficult handling characteristics and long setting time. Tricalcium silicate cements evolved, in which bioceramic cements came into existence, have better properties than MTA. The aims and objectives of the study are to evaluate the efficacy of bioceramic putty with MTA as a pulp medicament in primary molars.


本無作為化試験において、抜髄術の適応となる 4~9 歳の小児小臼歯 60 本を選択した。試験群:バイオセラミックパテ(EndoSequence Root Repair Material)、対照群:MTA(Angelus)の2群に非確率抽出法を用いて割り付けた。歯髄治療後,ステンレス鋼製クラウンで修復した.成功率を評価するために,3ヶ月,6ヶ月,12ヶ月の間隔で,臨床的およびX線学的な再評価を行った.データはカイ二乗検定で統計的に分析し、≦0.05を統計的有意差として設定した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this randomized study, sixty primary molars in children aged 4-9 years indicated for pulpotomy were selected. They were assigned using nonprobability convenient sampling technique into two groups: test group - bioceramic putty (EndoSequence Root Repair Material) and control group - MTA (Angelus). After pulp therapy, teeth were restored with stainless steel crowns. Recall clinical and radiographic evaluation was done at 3-, 6-, and 12-month interval to assess success rate. The data were statistically analyzed using Chi-square test, and ≤ 0.05 was set for statistical significance.



RESULTS: At 3-month interval, the success rates were 96.7% and 93.1% with bioceramic and MTA groups, respectively. At 6- and 12-month interval, the success rates were 93.3% and 93.1% with bioceramic and MTA groups, respectively. However, the difference in success rate between the groups was statistically not significant at all the time intervals ( = 0.533 at 3 months, = 0.972 at 6 and 12 months).



CONCLUSION: Bioceramic putty exhibited comparable results to MTA. Hence, it can be considered alternative pulpotomy agent.