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J Prosthodont Res.2023 Jul;67(3):366-375.


Association between denture use and food form in older adults requiring long-term care: A multicenter cross-sectional study.

PMID: 35989265




PURPOSE: This study aimed to determine whether denture use contributes to maintaining and improving food forms in long-term care facility (LTCFs) residents.


日本の37のLTCFの入所者888名を対象に、栄養摂取状態、食事形態、年齢、性別、Barthel index(BI)、臨床的認知症評価(CDR)、存在する歯の数、咬合支持の数、嚥下機能、および義歯の使用について調査した。全入所者のうち、栄養状態が良好で咬合支持物が9本以下の人を分析対象とした。標準化された基準に基づいて、対象者が摂取した食品形態を嚥下障害群と普通食群に分け、さらに4段階に分類した。分析は、4段階の食形態を従属変数とし、年齢、性別、BI、CDR、嚥下障害の有無、存在歯数、義歯の使用を独立変数とする一般化推定式を用いて行った。

METHODS: In 888 residents of 37 LTCFs in Japan, the following were investigated: nutritional intake status, food forms, age, sex, Barthel index (BI), clinical dementia rating (CDR), number of teeth present, number of occlusal supports, swallowing function, and use of dentures. Among all residents, those who were well-nourished and had ≤9 occlusal supports were analyzed. Based on standardized criteria, the food forms consumed by the subjects were divided into two groups: dysphagia and normal diet, which were further classified into four levels. Analysis was performed using a generalized estimation equation with the four levels of food forms as dependent variables and age, sex, BI, CDR, presence of dysphagia, number of teeth present, and use of dentures as independent variables.



RESULTS: The final analysis included 622 (70.0%) residents. Of these, 380 (61.1%) used dentures. The analyses revealed that food form was significantly associated with age (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 0.98), BI (OR, 1.04), number of teeth present (OR, 1.03), presence of dysphagia (OR, 0.44), and use of dentures (OR, 2.82).



CONCLUSIONS: Denture use was associated with food forms among Japanese LTCF residents. This indicates that the use of dentures is related to the maintenance of food forms, even in the elderly who participate in few activities of daily living, have reduced cognitive function, and require long-term care.