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Int J Implant Dent.2022 Jul;8(1):29.


Diagnostic tests for titanium hypersensitivity in implant dentistry: a systematic review of the literature.

PMID: 35819566




PURPOSE: There are rising concerns about titanium hypersensitivity reaction regarding dental endosseous implants. This review aims to summarize and compare the validity and reliability of the available dermatological and laboratory diagnostic tests regarding titanium hypersensitivity. The following PICO design was used: In Patients with titanium dental implants (P) does epicutaneous testing (ECT) (I), compared to lymphocyte transformation test (LTT) or Memory Lymphocyte Immunostimulation Assay (MELISA) (C) detect hypersensitivity reactions (O)? A literature search was performed including all studies dealing with this topic. Studies regarding orthopedic implants were excluded.


3つのデータベース(MEDLINE PubMed、Cochrane Library、SciELO)で適切な研究がないかスクリーニングし、さらに手作業による検索も行った。整形外科用インプラントの過敏症反応に関する文献、歯科または顎顔面外科手術に関連しないインプラントに関する過敏症反応、動物実験およびin vitro研究は除外した。選択された全文論文の質の評価が行われた。無作為化対照試験はCochrane Risk of Bias Tool Iを用いて評価した。コホート研究はNew Castle-Ottawa Scaleに従って評価し、症例シリーズはMogaら(Development of a quality appraisal tool for case series studies using a modified Delphi technique.2012).

METHODS: Three databases (MEDLINE PubMed, Cochrane Library, SciELO) were screened for suitable studies and an additional manual search was also performed. Literature regarding hypersensitivity reactions in orthopedic implants, hypersensitivity reactions regarding implants not related to dental or maxillofacial surgery, animal studies and in vitro studies were excluded. A quality assessment of all selected full-text articles was performed. Randomized, controlled trials were evaluated with the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool I. Cohort studies were assessed according to the New Castle-Ottawa Scale and case series according to Moga et al. (Development of a quality appraisal tool for case series studies using a modified Delphi technique. 2012).



RESULTS: 10 studies were included in the quantitative synthesis and available for the endpoint diagnostics of intolerance reactions to titanium dental implants: 2 clinical studies, 7 cohort studies and 1 case series. The potential for bias (internal validity) for these studies was overall rated as high.



CONCLUSIONS: The study of the available literature regarding ECT and MELISA or LTT in patients with suspected titanium hypersensitivity showed inconsistent results in terms of reliability and validity and thus, those tests should be regarded cautiously. There is strong evidence that titanium hypersensitivity in dental implants is associated with innate immunity: unspecific pro-inflammatory responses due to particle induced hyperreactivity of macrophages or toxicological responses especially towards nanoparticles rather than activation of the adaptive immune system. Therefore, tests detecting allergies do not seem expedient and inflammatory clinical signs should be regarded as leading parameters.