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J Periodontol.2022 Jul;


A retrospective exploratory study of smoking status and e-cigarette use with response to non-surgical periodontal therapy.

PMID: 35781714




AIM: To compare periodontal treatment responses in electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) users, non-smokers, former and current smokers.


このレトロスペクティブな臨床研究では、歯周炎患者220人がベースラインの歯周チャート作成、プロフェッショナル・メカニカル・プラーク・リムーバル(PMPR)、大学院生による再評価のために受診した。このうち60人が元喫煙者、20人が電子タバコを使用している元喫煙者、20人が現在の喫煙者、それ以外(n = 120)は非喫煙者であった。臨床転帰に対する喫煙状況と治療期間の影響は、既知の交絡因子で調整した一般化最小二乗法を用いた線形モデルによって分析した。主要評価項目は「手術の必要性」とし、プロービングポケット深度(PPD)≧5mmの非隣接部位が2箇所以上ある六分儀の数とした。

METHODS: In this retrospective clinical study, 220 patients with periodontitis were seen for baseline periodontal charting, professional-mechanical-plaque-removal (PMPR) and re-evaluation by postgraduate students. Sixty of these patients were former smokers, twenty were former smokers now using e-cigarettes, twenty current smokers, while all others (n = 120) were non-smokers. Effects of smoking status and treatment duration on clinical outcomes were analyzed by linear models using generalized least squares adjusted for known confounders. The primary outcome was 'need for surgery' defined as number of sextants with ≥2 non-adjacent sites of probing pocket depths (PPD) ≥5mm.



RESULTS: Compared to non-smokers, e-cigarette users had a less favorable treatment response after PMPR. This included statistically significant increased 'need for surgery', as well as increased number of sextants with PPD≥5mm, number of sites with PPD>5mm and mean PPD. There were no statistically significant differences between e-cigarette users and current smokers. Former smokers responded statistically significantly better than e-cigarette users for the primary outcome as well as for the number of sextants and sites with PPD≥5mm and mean PPD.



CONCLUSION: Overall, e-cigarette users had a statistically significant less favorable response to PMPR than non-smokers; their response was not statistically significantly different to those of current smokers. This, however, needs to be validated with further research in prospective clinical and observational studies in different populations. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.