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Healthcare (Basel).2022 Jun;10(6).


Oral Care Awareness and Factors Related to the Burden of Nurses at a Community Hospital in Japan.

PMID: 35742124




OBJECTIVE: This cross-sectional study investigated the oral care knowledge, awareness, and challenges of 159 nurses and identified the factors related to the burden of oral care in Unnan City Hospital, Japan.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study included outpatient, ward, and operating room nurses who answered a questionnaire comprising 19 questions regarding awareness, actual implementation status of oral care provided, burden and learning experiences of oral care, and participants' characteristics. A univariate regression model was used to assess whether catheterization was associated with the independent variables.


有効な質問票の数は134票,有効率は87.6%であった.平均臨床経験年数は 18.71±12.02 年,看護師の 95.5%は女性であった.口腔ケアへの関心度(= 0.006),口腔ケアの優先度(= 0.005),口腔ケアの負担感で口腔ケア関連介護者負担感指数に有意差がみられた.

RESULTS: The number and rate of valid questionnaires were 134 and 87.6%, respectively. The mean years of clinical experience were 18.71 ± 12.02 years; 95.5% of the nurses were women. There were significant differences in the Oral Health-related Caregiver Burden Index among "interest in oral care" ( = 0.006), "priority of oral care" ( = 0.005), and "burden of oral care".


本研究により,口腔ケアへの関心が高い看護師は,口腔ケアを優先し,口腔ケアを負担と感じないことが明らかとなった.課題解決に向けた研修会や直接指導などの教育的介入が必要であり,QOL の向上や健康増進につながる可能性がある.

CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that nurses who are highly interested in oral care, prioritize oral care, and do not perceive oral care as a burden. Educational interventions, such as training sessions and direct guidance to solve challenges, are needed and can lead to improvements in the quality of life and advancement of health.