Advanced platelet-rich-fibrin (A-PRF+) は上顎第三大臼歯の抜歯後歯槽骨の治癒に追加的な効果を示さない。スプリットマウス無作為化臨床試験
Advanced platelet-rich-fibrin (A-PRF +) has no additional effect on the healing of post-extraction sockets of upper third molars. A split mouth randomized clinical trial.
PMID: 35614276
PURPOSE: This study evaluated the effects of advanced platelet-rich fibrin (A-PRF +) on the healing of upper third molar post-extraction sockets.
上顎第三大臼歯(18および28)の抜歯を受けた16名の患者を、この無作為分割口径試験に組み入れた。試験側の歯槽はA-PRF+で満たされ、対照側は血餅で維持された。治療を受けた側はランダムに定義された。歯槽骨の再生は、抜歯後1週間と90日目にCBCTスキャンで治癒段階、骨密度、フラクタル解析で評価した。さらに、痛み、浮腫、出血、軟組織歯槽骨修復を術後3、7、14、30、90日の臨床分析により、Visual analog scaleで評価した。
METHODS: Sixteen patients who underwent extractions of the upper third molars (18 and 28) were included in this randomized split-mouth study. The alveoli on the test side were filled with A-PRF + , while the control side was maintained with blood clot. The side that received treatment was randomly defined. Alveolar bone regeneration was evaluated by CBCT scans to assess healing stage, bone density, and fractal analysis 1 week and 90 days post-extraction. Additionally, pain, edema, bleeding, and soft tissue alveolar repair were evaluated by clinical analyses 3, 7, 14, 30, and 90 days after the surgical procedure using a visual analog scale.
RESULTS: There were no clinical differences regarding treatments in any experimental period. In the tomographic evaluation, at 7 days, the alveoli treated with A-PRF + presented a suggestive sign of higher bone density than the control alveoli, which was not confirmed 90 days after the surgical procedure.
CONCLUSION: Thus, the use of A-PRF + does not demonstrate a clinical advantage in the repair of post-extraction sockets of upper third molars.