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Int Endod J.2023 Oct;56 Suppl 3:510-532.


Effectiveness of revitalization in treating apical periodontitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

PMID: 35579093




BACKGROUND: Revitalization procedures primarily aim to eliminate clinical symptoms and heal periapical lesions.



OBJECTIVES: The objective of the study was to elucidate the effectiveness of revitalization in treating apical periodontitis in necrotic mature and immature permanent teeth based on the following PICO question: In patients with permanent immature or mature teeth and pulp necrosis with or without signs of apical periodontitis (P) what is the effectiveness of revitalization (I) in comparison with calcium hydroxide apexification, apical plug and root canal treatment (C) in terms of tooth survival, pain, tenderness, swelling, need for medication (analgesics and antibiotics), radiographic evidence of reduction of apical lesion size, radiographic evidence of normal periodontal ligament space, radiographic evidence of increased root thickness and length (not for mature teeth), tooth function (fracture and restoration longevity), need for further intervention, adverse effects (including exacerbation, restoration integrity, allergy and discolouration), oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL), presence of sinus tract and response to sensibility testing (O). (T) = Defined as a minimum of 1 year and maximum of as long as possible for all outcome measures, except 'pain, tenderness, swelling, need for medication (analgesics)', which is a minimum of 7 days and maximum of 3 months and OHRQoL which is minimum of 6 months and a maximum of as long as possible.


3つのデータベース(PubMed、Embase、Cochrane Library)を用いて、英語のヒト研究、実験研究、観察研究を検索し、ハンドサーチで補完した。歯髄壊死(根尖性歯周炎を伴う/伴わない)を有する歯を対象とし、試験終了時に10歯/群以上で、少なくとも1年間の追跡調査が行われた研究を対象とした。抄録と全文がないものは除外した。対象とした(非)ランダム化比較臨床試験の質的分析は、Revised Cochrane risk-of-bias tools(RoB 2およびROBINS-I)を用いて行った。生存率と成功率(成熟永久歯/未成熟永久歯のサブグループ分析を含む)のメタ分析は、Mantel-Haenszel法を用いて実施した。エビデンスの確実性は、GRADE(推奨度、評価度、開発度、評価度)を用いて評価した。

METHODS: Three databases (PubMed, Embase and Cochrane Library) were searched for human, experimental and observational studies in English, complemented with hand search, until 31/10/2021. Studies recruiting teeth with pulp necrosis (with/without apical periodontitis), with minimum 10 teeth/arm at the end of the study and with a follow-up of at least 1 year, were included. Records without an abstract and a full text were excluded. The qualitative analysis of the included (non-) randomized controlled clinical trials was performed with the Revised Cochrane risk-of-bias tools (RoB 2 and ROBINS-I). Meta-analysis for survival and success (including a subgroup analysis for mature/immature permanent teeth) was performed using the Mantel-Haenszel method. The certainty of evidence was assessed using GRADE (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation).



RESULTS: From the 365 identified records, five met the inclusion criteria. The 12 months survival rate was 100% for all (im)mature permanent teeth in all groups (3 studies). The success rate at 12 months was 100% for immature permanent teeth for I and C (1 study), however, reduced to 92% and 80% for mature teeth in I and C respectively (1 study, p > .05). The risk of bias for the most critical outcome (survival) was high for two studies and low for one. For the critical outcome success, all assessed studies were highly biased. Meta-analyses provided pooled relative risk with no statistically significant difference between I and C for both survival (RR = 1.00, 95%CI = 0.96-1.04, p = 1.00) and success (RR = 1.06; 95%CI = 0.83-1.35, p = .66). The evidence level for survival was kept 'low' and for success was downgraded to 'very low' due to inconsistency and imprecision.


生存率および成功率は、組み入れられたすべての研究およびすべての群で良好であった;しかしながら、これらの結果は確実性レベルが低いため信頼できない。臨床的に、最も多く報告された有害事象は歯の変色であったため、酸化ビスマス含有ケイ酸カルシウムセメントの再活性化は避けるべきである。レントゲン写真では、この撮影技法の多因子による不正確さのため、周 辺骨の治癒とさらなる歯根の発育を周 辺骨のレントゲン写真で評価する際には注意が必要である。今後の臨床試験では、方法論と評価に関する懸念に対処する必要がある。成熟した永久歯の再活性化を報告する研究には、長期的な結果が必要である。

DISCUSSION: The survival and success rates were favourable in all included studies and for all groups; however, these outcomes are not reliable due to the low certainty level. Clinically, the most reported adverse event was tooth discolouration, hence the application of bismuth oxide containing calcium silicate cements should be avoided in revitalization. Radiographically, caution is needed when assessing periapical bone healing and further root development with periapical radiographs, due to multifactorial inaccuracies of this imaging technique. Methodological and assessment concerns need to be addressed in future clinical trials. Long-term results are necessary for studies reporting revitalization of mature permanent teeth, as they seem to be experimental so far.



CONCLUSIONS: No robust evidence was discovered to support that revitalization is effective to treat apical periodontitis in (im)mature permanent teeth. The success and survival rates of revitalized and fully pulpectomized (im)mature permanent teeth did not differ significantly.



REGISTRATION: Prospero: CRD42021262466.