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Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.2022;37(1):30-37.

フルアーチコンピューターガイドインプラント埋入事例におけるX線透視テンプレートの精度に及ぼす製作技術の違いによる影響:In Vitro Study

Influence of Different Fabrication Techniques on the Accuracy of Radiographic Scan Templates in Cases of Full-Arch Computer-Guided Implant Placement: An In Vitro Study.

PMID: 35235617




PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of using different fabrication techniques, including intraoral scans, CBCT scans of patients' existing dentures, or denture duplicates, on the accuracy of radiographic scan templates. The influence of selecting different segmentation threshold values during reconstruction of CBCT data was also evaluated.


上顎と下顎のアクリル製総義歯5組をデスクトップ型ラボ用レーザースキャナー(DWOS 7Series、Dental Wings)でスキャンし、参照モデルを得た。テストスキャンは,義歯の口腔内スキャン,異なるグレースケール分割閾値で再構成した義歯と義歯複製のCBCTスキャン,および義歯複製のラボスキャンから得た.得られたSTLスキャンファイルをオープンソースおよびクラウドストレージソフトウェア(Medit Link)にインポートし、基準スキャンとテストスキャンの間の二乗平均平方根推定値(RMSE)を計算して精度を測定した。その後、収集したデータを分析した。また、3Dカラーマップを用いた定性的な分析も行った。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A reference model was obtained by scanning five pairs of maxillary and mandibular acrylic complete dentures using a desktop laboratory laser scanner (DWOS 7Series, Dental Wings). Test scans were obtained from intraoral scans of dentures, CBCT scans of dentures and denture duplicates reconstructed at different grayscale segmentation thresholds, and a laboratory scan of denture duplicates. The resultant STL scan files were imported to an open source and cloud storage software (Medit Link) for the accuracy measurements by calculating root mean square estimate (RMSE) between reference and test scans. Collected data were then analyzed. Qualitative analysis was also performed using 3D color maps.



RESULTS: The lowest RMSE (352.7) was found with intraoral denture scans. The highest RMSE (1,336.3) was found with the CBCT scans of the denture duplicates at segmentation threshold of -700 grayscale level. Qualitative analysis revealed that the intraoral denture scans exhibited the most homogenous deviation pattern relative to reference lab scans.



CONCLUSION: Within the limitations of this study, the intraoral scans of the patients' existing dentures resulted in the fabrication of the most accurate radiographic scan templates. The improved accuracy of scan templates fabricated using the intraoral scanners can eliminate the possible laboratory errors associated with the conventional technical procedures as well as reduce the inaccuracies resulting from the image processing and segmentation of CBCT data.