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Oper Dent.2021 Sep;46(5):529-536.


Effect of Deep Margin Elevation on Interfacial Gap Development of CAD/CAM Inlays after Thermomechanical Cycling.

PMID: 34757375



12本の抜去下顎大臼歯に中・奥歯部窩洞を作製した。片側の近心臼歯部の歯肉縁をRMGIで2mm隆起させ(E群[隆起]),もう片側の歯肉縁をコントロールとした(NE群[隆起なし]).二ケイ酸リチウムCAD/CAMインレーを作製し,自己接着性レジンセメントで接着させた.咀嚼シミュレータを用い,熱機械サイクルによる試験片の老化過程をシミュレートした.サイクリング前後のエポキシ樹脂製レプリカを用い,走査型電子顕微鏡(SEM)によりマージナルインテグレーションを評価した.また,サイクリング前後で,マイクロCTを用いて接合界面の体積間隙を測定した.統計解析は,paired t-test,Wilcoxon符号付順位検定,Mann-Whitney検定を用いて行った(a<0.05).

METHODS AND MATERIALS: Mesio-occlusal-distal cavities were prepared on 12 extracted mandibular molars. The gingival margin of one proximal box was elevated with resin modified glass ionomer (RMGI) by a height of 2 mm (Group E [elevation]), and the margin of the other side served as a control (Group NE [no elevation]). Lithium disilicate computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) inlays were fabricated and bonded with a self-adhesive resin cement. An aging process was simulated on the specimens under thermomechanical cycling by using a chewing simulator. Marginal integration was evaluated under scanning electron miscroscopy (SEM) using epoxy resin replicas before and after cycling. Marginal areas were stained with silver nitrate solution, and the volumetric gap was measured at the bonded interfaces using micro-computed tomography (CT) before and after cycling. Statistical analyses were performed using paired t-tests, the Wilcoxon signed rank test, and the Mann-Whitney test (a<0.05).



RESULTS: SEM showed marginal discontinuities in Group NE that increased after thermomechanical cycling. Micro-computed tomography exhibited three-dimensional dye-penetrating patterns at the interfaces before and after cycling. Interfacial disintegration was larger in Group NE before cycling (p<0.05). Thermomechanical cycling increased the gaps in both Groups NE and E (p<0.05). The gap increment from thermomechanical cycling was larger in Group NE (p<0.05).



CONCLUSIONS: Thermomechanical cycling induced interfacial disintegration at the lithium disilicate CAD/CAM inlays, with deep proximal margins. Margin elevation with RMGI placement reduced the extent of the interfacial gap formation before and after the aging simulation.