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J Dent.2021 10;113:103781.

ビタミンE。歯の侵食に対する予防的アプローチの可能性-in vitroによる短期侵食試験

Vitamin E: A potential preventive approach against dental erosion-an in vitro short-term erosive study.

PMID: 34400251



本研究では、パーム油の様々な成分がエナメル質に与える影響をin vitroの短期侵食試験で評価した。

OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the in vitro effect of different components of palm oil on enamel in a short-term erosive challenge.


後天性エナメル質のペリクル(AEP)を2時間かけて形成した。その後、ウシのエナメル質ブロックを、以下の溶液に従ってin vitroで処理した。G1-ヤシ油,G2-85%トコトリエノール溶液,G3-油性ビタミンE,G4-油性ビタミンA,G5-脱イオン水(ネガティブコントロール),G6-スタナス含有溶液(Elmex® Erosion Protection Dental Rinse)(ポジティブコントロール)。処理液の塗布(500µl,30秒)後,ブロックを0.5%クエン酸(pH2.4)に30秒間浸漬した(初期エロージョン)。応答変数は,表面硬度低下の割合であった。データは一元配置のANOVAとフィッシャーの検定で分析した(p<0.05)。

METHODS: The acquired enamel pellicle (AEP) was previously formed in situ for 2 h. Subsequently, the bovine enamel blocks were treated in vitro according to following solutions: G1-palm oil; G2-85% tocotrienol solution; G3-oily vitamin E; G4-oily vitamin A; G5-deionized water (negative control); G6-stannous-containing solution (Elmex® Erosion Protection Dental Rinse) (positive control). After application of the treatment solutions (500 µl, 30 s), the blocks were immersed in 0.5% citric acid (pH 2.4) during 30 s (initial erosion). The response variable was the percentage of surface hardness loss. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Fisher's Test (p < 0.05).



RESULTS: The positive control (G6), palm oil (G1) and oily vitamin E (G3) groups presented the lowest percentage of surface hardness loss, and were statistically different from the negative group (G5) (p < 0.05), and no differences were found between these three groups. The 85% tocotrienol solution (G2) and oily vitamin A groups (G4) were not different to the negative control group.


スタナス含有ポジティブコントロール(Elmex® Erosion Protection)、パーム油および油性ビタミンEは、このin vitro試験で行われた侵食性チャレンジからエナメル質を保護することができた。さらに、ビタミンEはおそらく、エナメル質の侵食を防ぐ役割を果たすパーム油の主要成分であると考えられる。

CONCLUSIONS: Stannous-containing positive control (Elmex® Erosion Protection), palm oil and oily Vitamin E were able to protect enamel against the erosive challenge performed in this in vitro study. In addition, vitamin E is probably the key ingredient of palm oil responsible for preventing enamel erosion.


ビタミンEは、市販のスタナス含有洗口液(Elmex® Erosion Protection)と同様の初期侵食防止効果を示し、歯の侵食を防止することを目的とした溶液の処方において、有望な天然の代替品として考慮することができる。

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Vitamin E presented similar preventive effect to a commercial mouthwash stannous-containing solution (Elmex® Erosion Protection) against initial erosion and, it can be considered as a promising natural alternative for the formulations of solutions aiming to prevent erosive tooth wear.