Effect of peri-implant disease on oral health-related quality of life in geriatric patients.
PMID: 33977569 DOI: 10.1111/ger.12556.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of peri-implant disease on the quality of life in geriatric patients using implant-supported overdentures.
BACKGROUND: Peri-implant disease and bone loss are two main complications of dental implant treatment that can impact the quality of life in the geriatric population.
本研究では、補綴科および歯周病科で治療を受けた109名の老年者を対象としたクロスセクション研究を行った。臨床検査では、歯周ポケットの深さ、ジンジバル・インデックス(GI)、プラーク・インデックス(PIn)を測定し、インプラント周囲の状態を把握した。また、X線検査では、ImageJソフトウェアを用いて、限界骨量を測定しました。さらに,Oral Healthy Impact Profile-14(OHIP-14)質問票を用いて,参加者が感じている口腔保健関連のQOLを評価した。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 109 geriatric individuals treated in the prosthodontics and periodontology departments. On clinical examination, periodontal pocket depth, gingival index (GI) and plaque index (PIn) were measured to determine peri-implant status. Marginal bone loss was measured by radiological examination, using ImageJ software. Moreover, the Oral Healthy Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) questionnaire was used to evaluate participants' perceived oral health-related quality of life.
RESULTS: Peri-implantitis (PI) and peri-implant mucositis (PM) prevalence were 30% and 24%, respectively. Only 44% of patients had healthy implants. Although total OHIP-14 scores were higher in the PI group than in the healthy and PM groups, this difference was not statistically significant (P = .148). Total OHIP-14 score was significantly correlated with PIn and GI.
CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this study, it can be said that on quality of life in patients using implant-supported overdenture related to clinical parameters such as PIn and GI. Results also indicated that geriatric patients should take action to improve their oral health. Further longitudinal studies are needed to support our results and should include control groups that use conventional removable dentures.
© 2021 Gerodontology Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.