Impact of Access Cavity Design on Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Molars: A Systematic Review.
PMID: 33442299
Objective: The main aim of this present systematic review is to ascertain whether a conservative endodontic cavity (ConsAC) has a better fracture resistance than a traditional access cavity (TradAC) in endodontically treated molars.
3人の独立した査読者が、複数のエンジンで制限なく調査した。PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, ResearchGate, EBSCOhost, Wiley Online Library, and Google Scholar, 加えて文献検索、手書き検索を行った。論文は、一定の包含・除外基準に従って選択され、簡単に言えば、抜去したヒト健全臼歯に対して行われたConsACとTradACの破壊抵抗の違いを評価するin vitroの研究である。選択された論文を評価するために品質評価基準を作成し、偏りのリスクに応じて低、中、高に分類した。
Materials and Methods: Three independent reviewers researched without limits in multiple engines: PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, ResearchGate, EBSCOhost, Wiley Online Library, and Google Scholar, in addition to reference and hand search. Articles were chosen according to a certain inclusion and exclusion criteria, which, in brief, are in vitro studies assessing the fracture resistance difference between ConsAC and TradAC performed on extracted sound human molar teeth. A quality assessment criteria was produced to evaluate the chosen articles and categorized them according to their risk of bias into low, moderate and high.
7つの検索エンジンから入手した合計105件の研究のうち、適格基準を適用して重複を排除した結果、8件のin vitro研究のみが含まれた。そのうち5件の論文ではバイアスのリスクが低く、他の論文ではバイアスのリスクが中程度であった。
Results: Out of a total of 105 studies, which were obtained from seven different search engines, only eight in vitro studies were included after eliminating the duplicates followed by the application of the eligibility criteria. Five of the articles showed low risk of bias while the others revealed a moderate risk of bias.
結論として、ConsAC が耐欠損性において TradAC よりも有利であるかどうかを最終的に判断するためのエビデンスは不十分であり、このテーマに関するさらなる研究が必要である。
Conclusion: To sum up, there is insufficient evidence to give a final decision whether ConsAC is more advantageous than TradAC in terms of fracture resistance and further studies regarding this topic are needed.