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J Prosthodont Res.2021 Aug;65(3):353-359.


Multivariate analysis reveals oral health-related quality of life of complete denture wearers with denture adhesives: a multicenter randomized controlled trial.

PMID: 33116029


目的 10施設並行無作為化臨床試験において、総義歯装着者の口腔内および義歯の状態による、クリームタイプまたはパウダータイプの義歯床用接着剤を使用した場合の口腔保健関連QOL(OHR-QoL)の改善度の違いを検討する。方法 総義歯を装着している無歯顎被験者200名を、義歯床用接着剤のタイプ別にクリーム、パウダー、コントロール(生理食塩水)の3群に割り付けた。それぞれの材料を義歯の粘膜表面に4日間塗布し、ベースラインデータと介入後のデータを収集した。OHR-QoLは、OHIP-EDENT-J(Oral Health Impact Profile for Edentulous Patients)を用いて評価した。結果 OHIP-EDENT-Jスコアは介入後すべての群で有意に低下した(p<0.05)が、群間に統計学的有意差は認められなかった。多重ロジスティック回帰分析の結果、クリームタイプの義歯床用接着剤群では、上顎および下顎歯槽骨隆起の垂直高さとOHIP-EDENT-Jスコアとの間に有意な関連が認められた。結論 義歯床用接着剤の使用は、総義歯装着者のOHR-QoLを改善する可能性がある。クリームタイプの義歯床用接着剤は、良好な残存咬合状態の患者と比較して、残存咬合状態の悪い患者のOHR-QoLを改善することが期待される。

Purpose To investigate the difference in improvement of oral health-related quality of life (OHR-QoL) depending on the oral and denture conditions of a complete denture wearer when using a cream or powder type denture adhesive in a 10-center parallel randomized clinical trial.Methods Two hundred edentulous subjects who wore complete dentures were allocated to each of the three groups according to denture adhesive type: cream, powder, and control (saline solution). The materials were applied to the mucosal surface of the dentures for 4 days, and baseline data and data after the intervention were collected. OHR-QoL was assessed using the Japanese version of the modified Oral Health Impact Profile for Edentulous Patients (OHIP-EDENT-J) scale for outcome. Multivariate analysis was used to investigate improvements in OHR-QoL according to participant characteristics among complete denture wearers using these materials.Results OHIP-EDENT-J scores were significantly decreased in all groups after the intervention (p < 0.05); however, there were no statistically significant differences among the groups. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed a significant association between the vertical height of the maxillary and mandibular alveolar ridge and OHIP-EDENT-J scores in the cream-type denture adhesive group. In contrast, there were no significant association between participant characteristics and OHIP-EDENT-J scores in the powder-type adhesive and control groups.Conclusions The use of denture adhesives could improve OHR-QoL for complete denture wearers. The cream-type denture adhesives may be expected to improve OHR-QoL in patients with poor residual ridge conditions compared with patients with good residual ridge conditions.