Marginal adaptation of zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate overlays with different preparation designs.
PMID: 32810388
OBJECTIVE: Following the advent of strong adhesive bonding, the conservative tooth preparation designs without a retentive form gained increasing popularity. This study aimed to evaluate the marginal adaptation of zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate (ZLS) overlays with different preparation designs.
40本の健全なヒト上顎第一大臼歯を採取し,ZLSオーバーレイを作製するための準備デザインによって4群(n=10)に分けた:(O)アナトミカル・オクルーザー・リダクション,(OS)ラウンドドショルダー付きアナトミカル・オクルーザー・リダクション,(OG)中央溝付きアナトミカル・オクルーザー・リダクション,(OSG)丸みと中央溝を有するアナトミカル・オクルーザー・リダクションである.マージナルギャップの測定にはビデオ測定機(VMM)を使用した.統計解析は,one-way ANOVA,paired t test,Tukey's test (α = .05)を用いて行った.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty sound human maxillary first molars were collected and divided into four groups (n = 10) according to their preparation design for the fabrication of ZLS overlays: (O) anatomical occlusal reduction, (OS) anatomical occlusal reduction with rounded shoulder, (OG) anatomical occlusal reduction with a central groove, and (OSG) anatomical occlusal reduction with rounded shoulder and central groove. A video measuring machine (VMM) was used to measure the marginal gap. Statistical analysis was carried out using one-way ANOVA followed by paired t test and Tukey's test (α = .05).
Gap sizeは,セメント注入前(P =.004),注入後(P =.008)ともに群間で有意差があり,OSG群よりもO群で有意に小さかった(セメント注入前P =.002,注入後P =.004 ).マージナルギャップは、セメンテーショ ン後、すべてのグループで増加した(P <.001)。
RESULTS: The gap size was significantly different between the groups both before (P = .004) and after (P = .008) cementation, and it was significantly smaller in group O than group OSG (P = .002 before and P = .004 after cementation). Marginal gap increased in all groups following cementation (P < .001).
CONCLUSIONS: Group O showed comparable marginal adaptation with groups OS and OG while group OSG with the most complex design showed the lowest marginal adaptation for ZLS overlays.
このin vitro試験の結果から,咬合修復を必要とする無欠損歯では,咬合面調整のみで最適なマージナル適応が得られ,保定やより侵襲的な調整設計は必要ないと言える.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: According to the results of this in vitro study, it may be stated that for defect-free teeth requiring occlusal restoration, the occlusal surface preparation alone would suffice to achieve optimal marginal adaptation, and retentive and more invasive preparation designs are not required.