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Zhonghua Wei Zhong Bing Ji Jiu Yi Xue.2020 Jun;32(6):716-720. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn121430-20200304-00207.


[Analysis of risk factors of polymyxin B-associated acute kidney injury in intensive care unit patients with severe infection].

  • Yan Wang
  • Xiancheng Chen
  • Xiaofang Guo
  • Ke Cao
  • Zhanghua Zhu
  • Beiyuan Zhang
  • Pei Liang
  • Wenkui Yu
PMID: 32684219 DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.cn121430-20200304-00207.




OBJECTIVE: To investigate the incidence and risk factors of polymyxin B-associated acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients with severe infections caused by extensive drug resistance Gram negative bacteria (XDR-GNB) in intensive care unit (ICU).


2018年4月1日から2020年1月31日までに南京大学医学部附属南京鼓楼病院重症治療科でポリミキシンBを3日以上投与された重症感染症の成人患者を対象に、レトロスペクティブ研究を実施した。AKIは腎臓病と診断された。KDIGO(Improving Global Outcomes)基準で診断した。ベースラインデータ、治療期間中の指標、予後因子をAKI群と非AKI群で比較した。一変量解析で統計学的に有意差のある因子と重要な臨床的因子をロジスティック回帰モデルに組み込み、AKIの危険因子を解析した。

METHODS: A retrospective study of adult patients with severe infection who received polymyxin B for more than 3 days in the department of critical care medicine of Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing University Medical School from April 1st 2018 to January 31st 2020 were performed. AKI was diagnosed by Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria. The baseline data, indicators during treatment period and prognostic factors were compared between AKI group and non-AKI group. Factors with statistically significant difference in univariate analysis and important clinical factors were included in the Logistic regression model to analyze the risk factors of AKI.


72 例の患者にポリミキシン B を 3 日間以上投与した.最終的に49例が登録され、32例がポリミキシンB関連AKIを発症し、発症率は44.4%であった。ベースラインデータはAKI群と非AKI群でバランスがとれており、予後に有意差はなかった[死亡または内服命令なし退院(症例):14対6、改善退院(症例):18対11、χ=0.329、P=0.566]。ポリミキシンB関連AKIは、治療後1日から14日までに発生し、その平均日数は(6.8±3.8)であった。AKI患者32例のうち,退院後のフォローアップで消失したのは2例であったが,腎機能が回復したのは18例,回復しなかったのは12例であった。腎機能回復なしの患者の予後は,腎機能回復ありの患者に比べて有意に悪かった[腎機能回復なしで死亡または退院(症例):12例対2例,改善のために退院(症例):0例対16例,P=0.000]。単因子分析の結果、AKI群のポリミキシンBの1日投与量は非AKI群に比べて多かった(mg:151.6±23.7 vs. 132.4±30.3)、ポリミキシンBの1日投与量が150mg以上、血管作動薬使用中、重度の低アルブミン血症(アルブミン25g/L以下)の患者数は、非AKI群に比べて多かった(症例:29対10、18対4、9対0)が、統計学的に有意差が認められた(いずれもP<0.05)。多変量ロジスティック回帰分析では、ポリミキシンBの1日投与量150mg以上と血管作動薬の使用がポリミキシンB関連AKIの独立した危険因子であることが示された[オッズ比(OR)=37.466、95%信頼区間(95%CI)は2.676~524.586、P=0.007、OR=22.960、95%CIは1.710~308.235、P=0.018]。

RESULTS: Seventy-two patients were treated with polymyxin B for more than 3 days. Forty-nine patients were finally enrolled, with 32 patients developing polymyxin B-associated AKI, and the incidence was 44.4%. The baseline data was balanced in AKI group and non-AKI group, and there was no significant difference in the prognosis [death or discharge without medial order (cases): 14 vs. 6, discharged for improvement (cases): 18 vs. 11, χ = 0.329, P = 0.566]. Polymyxin B-associated AKI occurred from 1 day to 14 days after treatment, with an average of (6.8±3.8) days. Among the 32 AKI patients, 2 cases were lost to follow up after discharge, while renal function recovered in 18 cases and unrecovered in 12 cases. The prognosis of patients without recovery of renal function was significantly worse than that of patients with renal function recovery [death or discharge without medial order (cases): 12 vs. 2, discharged for improvement (cases): 0 vs. 16, P = 0.000]. Single factor analysis showed that daily dosage of polymyxin B in AKI group was higher than that in non-AKI group (mg: 151.6±23.7 vs. 132.4±30.3), numbers of patients with daily polymyxin B dose ≥ 150 mg, using vasoactive drugs, or severe hypoalbuminemia (albumin ≤ 25 g/L) were higher than those in non-AKI group (cases: 29 vs. 10, 18 vs. 4, 9 vs. 0), with statistically significant differences (all P < 0.05). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that daily dosage of polymyxin B ≥ 150 mg and use of vasoactive drugs were independent risk factors for polymyxin B-associated AKI [odds ratio (OR) = 37.466, 95% confidence interval (95%CI) was 2.676-524.586, P = 0.007; OR = 22.960, 95%CI was 1.710-308.235, P = 0.018].



CONCLUSIONS: Comparing with non-AKI patients, more patients with polymyxin B-associated AKI had severe hypoalbuminemia, and the probability of using vasoactive drugs and the daily dose of polymyxin B were higher than non-AKI patients. Daily dose of polymyxin B ≥ 150 mg and using vasoactive drugs were independent risk factors for polymyxin B-associated AKI.