Estimating daily intakes of manganese due to breast milk, infant formulas, or young child nutritional beverages in the United States and France: Comparison to sufficiency and toxicity thresholds.
PMID: 32683229 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2020.126607.
BACKGROUND: Although manganese (Mn) is an essential nutrient, recent research has revealed that excess Mn in early childhood may have adverse effects on neurodevelopment.
我々は、3週間、4.25ヶ月、7ヶ月、18ヶ月での母乳Mn濃度と体重と母乳摂取量の測定値の報告を検討することにより、平均体重での母乳による1日の総Mn摂取量を推定した。これらの数値を、米国およびフランスで購入した 44 種類の乳児用、フォローアップ用、および幼児用の粉ミルクで測定した Mn 含有量と比較した。我々は、超微量元素分析グレードの水(0μg Mn/L)と 250μg Mn/L、比較的高いが 400μg Mn/L または 350μg Mn/L の米国環境保護庁健康諮問の世界保健機関の健康ベースの値よりも少ない濃度を含む水で作られた数式製品の Mn 含有量を計算しました。
METHODS: We estimated daily total Mn intake due to breast milk at average body weights by reviewing reported concentrations of breast milk Mn and measurements of body weight and breast milk intake at 3 weeks, 4.25 months, 7 months, and 18 months. We compared these figures to the Mn content measured in 44 infant, follow-up, and toddler formulas purchased in the United States and France. We calculated Mn content of formula products made with ultra-trace elemental analysis grade water (0 μg Mn/L) and with water containing 250 μg Mn/L, a concentration which is relatively high but less than the World Health Organization Health-based value of 400 μg Mn/L or the United States Environmental Protection Agency Health Advisory of 350 μg Mn/L.
母乳からの推定 1 日平均 Mn 摂取量は、1.2μg Mn/kg/日(3 週間)から 0.16μg Mn/kg/日(18 ヶ月)までの範囲であったが、我々が考慮した最も若い年齢段階である 3 週間で最も多く摂取していた。0μgのMn/L水で再構成された処方製品からの推定1日のMn摂取量は、130μgのMn/kg/日(3週間)から4.8μgのMn/kg/日(18ヶ月)までの範囲であり、3週間での摂取量が最も多かった。配合乳製品は、我々が検討した 4 つの年齢段階において、母乳からの Mn の 1 日平均摂取量の 28~520 倍の量を提供していた。250μg Mn/L を含む水で再構成されたフォーミュラ製品からの推定 1 日の Mn 摂取量は、12μg Mn/kg/日から成人の 140μg Mn/kg/日の米国環境保護庁基準用量を超える 170μg Mn/kg/日までの範囲であった。
RESULTS: Estimated mean daily Mn intake from breast milk ranged from 1.2 μg Mn/kg/day (3 weeks) to 0.16 μg Mn/kg/day (18 months), with the highest intakes at the youngest age stage we considered, 3 weeks. Estimated daily Mn intake from formula products reconstituted with 0 μg Mn/L water ranged from 130 μg Mn/kg/day (3 weeks) to 4.8 μg Mn/kg/day (18 months) with the highest intakes at 3 weeks. Formula products provided 28-520 times greater than the mean daily intake of Mn from breast milk for the 4 age stages that we considered. Estimated daily Mn intake from formula products reconstituted with water containing 250 μg Mn/L ranged from 12 μg Mn/kg/day to 170 μg Mn/kg/day, which exceeds the United States Environmental Protection Agency Reference Dose of 140 μg Mn/kg/day for adults.
CONCLUSIONS: Mn deficiency is highly unlikely with exclusive breast milk or infant formula feeding, but established tolerable daily intake levels for Mn may be surpassed by some of these products when following labeled instructions.
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