Nationwide practice and outcomes of endoscopic biliary drainage in resectable pancreatic head and periampullary cancer.
PMID: 32682665 DOI: 10.1016/j.hpb.2020.06.009.
BACKGROUND: Guidelines advise self-expanding metal stents (SEMS) over plastic stents in preoperative endoscopic biliary drainage (EBD) for malignant extrahepatic biliary obstruction. This study aims to assess nationwide practice and outcomes.
METHODS: Patients with pancreatic head and periampullary cancer who underwent EBD before pancreatoduodenectomy were included from the Dutch Pancreatic Cancer Audit (2017-2018). Multivariable logistic and linear regression models were performed.
合計575/1056例(62.0%)が術前EBDを受けた:SEMS246例(42.8%)、プラスチックステント329例(57.2%)。EBD関連の合併症は両群間で同程度(44/246(17.9%)対64/329(19.5%)、p=0.607)であり、膵炎(22/246(8.9%)対25/329(7.6%)、p=0.387)も含まれていた。EBD関連胆管炎はSEMS留置後に減少し(10/246(4.1%)対32/329(9.7%)、p=0.043)、多変量解析で確認された(OR 0.36 95%CI 0.15-0.87、p=0.023)。術後の主な合併症に差はなかった(58/246(23.6%)対90/329(27.4%)、p=0.316)が、術後膵瘻(24/246(9.8%)対61/329(18.5%),p=0.004,OR 0.50 95%CI 0.27-0.94,p=0.031),在院日数(14.0日 vs. 17.4日,p=0.005,B2.86 95%CI -5.16-0.57,p=0.014)はSEMS設置後より少なかった。
RESULTS: In total, 575/1056 patients (62.0%) underwent preoperative EBD: 246 SEMS (42.8%) and 329 plastic stents (57.2%). EBD-related complications were comparable between the groups (44/246 (17.9%) vs. 64/329 (19.5%), p = 0.607), including pancreatitis (22/246 (8.9%) vs. 25/329 (7.6%), p = 0.387). EBD-related cholangitis was reduced after SEMS placement (10/246 (4.1%) vs. 32/329 (9.7%), p = 0.043), which was confirmed in multivariable analysis (OR 0.36 95%CI 0.15-0.87, p = 0.023). Major postoperative complications did not differ (58/246 (23.6%) vs. 90/329 (27.4%), p = 0.316), whereas postoperative pancreatic fistula (24/246 (9.8%) vs. 61/329 (18.5%), p = 0.004; OR 0.50 95%CI 0.27-0.94, p = 0.031) and hospital stay (14.0 days vs. 17.4 days, p = 0.005; B 2.86 95%CI -5.16 to -0.57, p = 0.014) were less after SEMS placement.
CONCLUSION: This study found that preoperative EBD frequently involved plastic stents. SEMS seemed associated with lower risks of cholangitis and less postoperative pancreatic fistula, but without an increased pancreatitis risk.
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