VKH 患者の血漿エクソソームのプロテオミクスプロファイリング
Proteomics Profiling of Plasma Exosomes in VKH Patients.
PMID: 32682377 DOI: 10.2174/1566524020666200719021653.
OBJECTIVES: Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome is a common autoimmune uveitis that can cause blindness. Recent studies have shown that plasma exosomes carry disease-related proteins that may serve as biomarkers. Here, we aimed to find candidate biomarkers of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease using proteomic analysis of plasma exosomes.
METHODS: Exosomes were isolated from the plasma of normal controls and Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada patients in the following groups: a) initial inflammatory attack (active stage), b) remission after one month of treatment (unstable stage), and c) stationary phase after three months of treatment (stable stage). Groups were analyzed by mass spectrometry using isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation. After functional analysis, proteins of interest were verified by ELISA.
エクソソソームには 463 個のタンパク質が同定されました。炎症関連タンパク質を含む活性炎症段階でアップレギュレーションされていたのは43個であった。31個はダウンレギュレーションされていた。遺伝子オントロジーとパスウェイ解析により、細胞接着、細胞貪食、細胞骨格運動、白血球の内皮細胞移動、血小板活性化に関連するタンパク質の違いが明らかになった。ELISA法では、活性期にはカルボニックアンヒドラ-ゼ2とRas関連タンパク質Rap-1bがエクソソソームに多く存在することが確認されたが、マイクロベシクルや血漿では確認されなかった。
RESULTS: 463 proteins were identified in the exosomes. Forty-three were upregulated at the active inflammation stage, including inflammation-associated proteins. Thirty-one were downregulated. Gene ontology and pathway analyses revealed differential proteins related to cell adhesion, cell phagocytosis, cytoskeleton movement, leukocyte migration across endothelial cells, and platelet activation. By ELISA, Carbonic anhydrase 2 and Ras-related protein Rap-1b were verified as more plentiful at the active stage compared to the normal control and stationary phase in exosomes, but not, however, in microvesicles or plasma.
ヴォーグ小柳原田病患者の血漿エクソソームには、炎症の程度に関連する多くのタンパク質が含まれている。エクソソソーム中のCarbonic anhydrase 2とRas関連タンパク質Rap-1bのレベルは、Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada病の活動的な炎症のバイオマーカーとして使用することができます。さらなる研究により、Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada病の病態解明と治療標的の同定に役立つと考えられます。
CONCLUSION: Plasma exosomes of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada patients contain many proteins related to the degree of inflammation. The levels of Carbonic anhydrase 2 and Ras-related protein Rap-1b in exosomes can be used as biomarkers for active inflammation in Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. Further investigation could help study the pathogenesis of Vogt-KoyanagiHarada disease and identify therapeutic targets.
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