Safety and Effectiveness of Lenvatinib in 594 Patients with Unresectable Thyroid Cancer in an All-Case Post-Marketing Observational Study in Japan.
PMID: 32676927 DOI: 10.1007/s12325-020-01433-8.
INTRODUCTION: Lenvatinib is approved in Japan for treating patients with all histological subtypes of unresectable thyroid cancer, including differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC), medullary thyroid cancer (MTC), and anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC). However, safety and effectiveness data are limited in Japanese patients. Therefore, this prospective, post-marketing observational study evaluated, in daily clinical practice, the safety and effectiveness of lenvatinib in Japanese patients with unresectable thyroid cancer.
METHODS: All patients with unresectable thyroid cancer first treated with lenvatinib between May and November 2015 were registered. Patients were orally administered lenvatinib and followed up for 12 months. The endpoints included adverse drug reactions (ADRs), overall survival (OS), overall response rate (ORR), and time-to-treatment failure. Post hoc Cox multivariate analyses were performed to assess prognostic factors associated with the 12-month OS rate.
登録患者 629 例のうち、594 例が解析対象となった。DTCは442例(74.4%)、MTCは28例(4.7%)、ATCは124例(20.9%)であった。高血圧、蛋白尿、手掌足底赤血球感覚症候群は、すべての組織型のサブタイプにわたって最も頻繁に報告されたADRであった。全生存期間中央値はATCで101.0日であったが、DTCとMTCでは未達成であり、12ヵ月全生存率はそれぞれ15.6%、75.7%、83.0%であった。DTC患者368例、MTC患者20例、ATC患者105例のORRはそれぞれ59.2%、45.0%、43.8%であった。多変量解析の結果、DTC患者ではEastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status(ECOG PS)、腫瘍の大きさ、腫瘍浸潤の有無、体重がOSに影響を与えるベースラインの予後因子であったが、ATC患者ではECOG PSと肝転移の有無が予後因子であることが明らかになった。
RESULTS: Of 629 registered patients, 594 were included in the analysis. A total of 442 patients (74.4%) had DTC, 28 (4.7%) had MTC, and 124 (20.9%) had ATC. Hypertension, proteinuria, and palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome were the most frequently reported ADRs across all histological subtypes. The median OS was 101.0 days in patients with ATC which was not reached in patients with DTC and patients with MTC, with 12-month OS rates of 15.6%, 75.7%, and 83.0%, respectively. The ORRs were 59.2%, 45.0%, and 43.8% among 368 patients with DTC, 20 with MTC, and 105 with ATC, respectively. Multivariate analyses revealed that Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS), tumor size, the presence of tumor invasion, and body weight were baseline prognostic factors affecting OS in patients with DTC, while ECOG PS and the presence of liver metastasis were prognostic factors in patients with ATC.
CONCLUSION: Lenvatinib demonstrated an acceptable safety profile for patients with thyroid cancer in a real-world setting in Japan. The safety profile and effectiveness findings for lenvatinib in this study were consistent with those from previous clinical trials, irrespective of histological subtype.