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J Orthop Trauma.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000001903.Epub 2020-07-13.


Usefulness of PCR screening in the initial triage of trauma patients during COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Juan Antonio Porcel-Vazquez
  • Jose Vicente Andres-Peiro
  • Yaiza Garcia-Sanchez
  • Ernesto Guerra-Farfan
  • Jaume Mestre-Torres
  • Joan Minguell-Monyart
  • Vicente Molero-Garcia
  • Jordi Selga Marsa
  • Jordi Tomas-Hernandez
  • Maria Del Mar Villar-Casares
  • Mohit Bhandari
  • Jordi Teixidor-Serra
PMID: 32675713 DOI: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000001903.



世界中の病院はCOVID-19パンデミックの間、必要のないすべての手術を延期しているが、COVID-19ではない患者はまだ緊急に治療を必要としている。患者の COVID-19 状態が不確かであることは、医療従事者や COVID-19 以外の入院患者に感染する危険性がある。我々は、すべての骨折患者の入院時にCOVID-19の定量的逆転写ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(RT-qPCR)スクリーニングを行うことを評価した。

BACKGROUND: Hospitals worldwide have postponed all non-essential surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic, but non-COVID-19 patients are still in urgent need of care. Uncertainty about a patient's COVID-19 status risks infecting healthcare workers and non-COVID-19 inpatients. We evaluated the use of quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) screening for COVID-19 on admission for all patients with fractures.


低エネルギー骨折で入院した 18 歳以上の患者で、入院中の任意の時点で SARS-CoV-2 の RT-qPCR 検査を受けた患者を対象に、レトロスペクティブなコホート研究を実施した。適用された検査プロトコルに基づいて2つの期間を定義した。第 1 期では、疫学的基準または発熱、呼吸器症状、または放射線所見に基づく臨床的疑いがある患者のみを検査対象とした。第2期では、骨折治療のために入院したすべての患者をRT-qPCRでスクリーニングした。

METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of patients older than 18 years admitted with low-energy fractures who were tested by RT-qPCR for SARS-CoV-2 at any time during hospitalization. Two periods based on the applied testing protocol were defined. During the first period, patients were only tested because of epidemiological criteria or clinical suspicion based on fever, respiratory symptoms, or radiological findings. In the second period, all patients admitted for fracture treatment were screened by RT-qPCR.


第 1 期に 15 例、第 2 期に 42 例の患者を同定した。臨床所見または放射線学的所見のない患者9人(15.8%)がいずれかの時点で陽性と判定された。臨床的に疑われない患者では,術後陽性の検出率は,第1期では3/15(20%)であったが,第2期では2/42(4.8%)であった(p=0.11).臨床症状は高い特異度(92.1%)を示したが、感染検出の感度は低かった(52.6%)。

RESULTS: We identified 15 patients in the first period and 42 in the second. In total, 9 (15.8%) patients without clinical or radiological findings tested positive at any moment. Five (33.3%) patients tested positive postoperatively in the first period and three (7.1%) in the second period (p=0.02).For clinically unsuspected patients, postoperative positive detection went from 3/15 (20%) during the first period to 2/42 (4.8%) in the second (p=0.11). Clinical symptoms demonstrated high specificity (92.1%) but poor sensitivity (52.6%) for infection detection.



CONCLUSIONS: Symptom-based screening for COVID-19 has shown to be specific but not sensitive. Negative clinical symptoms do not rule out infection. Protocols and separated areas are necessary to treat infected patients. RT-qPCR testing on admission helps minimize the risk of nosocomial and occupational infection.



LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level IV, retrospective cohort study.