Association of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system genetic polymorphisms with maternal hypotension during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean delivery - a retrospective cohort study.
PMID: 32673965 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijoa.2020.06.005.
予防しない限り,帝王切開分娩のための脊椎麻酔を受ける正常血圧の女性の最大 80%に低血圧が発生する.レニン-アンジオテンシン-アルドステロン系遺伝子多型は高血圧症と関連しているが,脊髄麻酔下での血圧調節への影響を調べた研究はほとんどない.我々は、これらの遺伝子多型が脊髄麻酔下での血管拡張と母体の血圧低下を増加させるのではないかと推測した。
BACKGROUND: Unless prevented, hypotension occurs in up to 80% of normotensive women undergoing spinal anaesthesia for caesarean delivery. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system genetic polymorphisms have been associated with hypertensive disease, but few studies investigated effects on blood pressure regulation under spinal anaesthesia. We postulated that these polymorphisms increased vasodilation and maternal hypotension during spinal anaesthesia.
METHODS: A retrospective secondary analysis of data from four prospective trials with similar inclusion/exclusion criteria evaluating phenylephrine/ephedrine delivery systems during spinal anaesthesia for elective caesarean delivery. Angiotensin type-1 receptor (AT1R) (A1166C), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) (I/D), and aldosterone synthase CYP11B2 (C344T) polymorphisms were identified from stored specimens. The associations between the polymorphisms and hypotension (systolic blood pressure <80% of baseline), and vasopressor use, were determined by univariable and multivariable regression.
556 例中,378 例(68.0%)に低血圧が認められた.AT1R(A1166C)のAC/CC遺伝子型は、年齢、人種、静脈内液量、ブロック高さを調整した後、一変量解析(OR 2.70、[95%CI 1.38~5.28、P=0.004])および多変量解析(OR 3.65、[95%CI 1.68~7.94、P=0.004])で低血圧と関連していた。バゾプレッサーの使用や母体または胎児の有害な転帰に差は認められなかった。ベースラインの特徴は類似していたが、低血圧群ではベースライン血圧、ブロック高、および静脈内液量が高かったことを除いては同様であった。ACEおよびCYP11B2多型と低血圧との間には有意な関連はなかった。
RESULTS: Of 556 patients, 378 (68.0%) had hypotension. The AC/CC genotypes of AT1R (A1166C) were associated with hypotension by univariable analysis (OR 2.70, 95% CI 1.38 to 5.28, P=0.004]) and multivariable analysis (OR 3.65, [95% CI 1.68 to 7.94, P=0.004]) after adjustment for age, race, intravenous fluid volume, and block height. No difference in vasopressor use or adverse maternal or fetal outcomes were noted. Baseline characteristics were similar, with the exception of higher baseline blood pressure, block height, and intravenous fluid volume in the hypotensive group. There was no significant association between ACE and CYP11B2 polymorphisms and hypotension.
CONCLUSION: AC/CC genotypes of AT1R (A1166C) polymorphism were associated with maternal hypotension under spinal anaesthesia for caesarean delivery. An association with cardiovascular indices and high-risk parturients should be examined.
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