Prognostic significance of low pectoralis muscle mass on preoperative chest computed tomography in localized non-small cell lung cancer after curative-intent surgery.
PMID: 32673829 DOI: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2020.07.008.
OBJECTIVES: The impact of sarcopenia on the outcome in patients following resection of non-small cell lung cancer is yet to be fully determined. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical utility of a computed tomography-based pectoralis muscle assessment, which reflects sarcopenia, to predict the risk of postoperative outcomes.
このレトロスペクティブ研究では、2009年から2013年までに非小細胞肺がんの根治的切除を受けた347例の連続した患者を対象とした。胸部軸画像上の第 4 胸椎レベルで大胸筋指数(大胸筋面積/体格指数)を評価した。主要転帰は,性別特異的に最も低い五分位(サルコペニア)と,指数に応じた他の五分位の間で比較した.低胸筋指数の予後有意性をCox比例ハザード回帰モデルにより算出した。臨床的特徴の違いを調整するために、プロペンシティスコアマッチング分析を行った。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study included 347 consecutive patients undergoing curative-intent resection of non-small cell lung cancer from 2009 to 2013. The pectoralis muscle index (pectoralis muscle area/body mass index) was assessed at the level of the fourth thoracic vertebra on chest axial images. The primary outcomes were compared between the lowest gender-specific quintile (sarcopenia) and the other quintiles according to the index. The prognostic significance of low pectoralis muscle index was calculated by the Cox proportional hazards regression model. A propensity score matching analysis was performed to adjust the differences in clinical characteristics.
大胸筋指数の性差別五分位の低さに応じて、69人の患者がサルコペニアであることが確認された。サルコペニアのある患者は、サルコペニアのない患者に比べて5年全生存率が悪かった(64.2% vs. 86.7%、P<0.001)。I期の非小細胞肺がんでも、サルコペニア群の5年全生存率はサルコペニアなし群よりも低かった(74.2% vs. 92.4%、P = 0.001)。多変量解析の結果、大胸筋指数の低さは有害な全生存期間と独立して関連していた(ハザード比:2.09、95%信頼区間:1.20~3.62、P=0.009)。プロペンシティスコアマッチング後、低胸筋指数に基づくサルコペニアの予後影響は、全生存期間に対してもロバストであった(ハザード比:3.23、95%信頼区間:1.38~7.60、P = 0.007)。
RESULTS: Sixty-nine patients were identified with sarcopenia according to the lowest gender-specific quintile of pectoralis muscle index. Patients with sarcopenia exhibited worse 5-year overall survival rate compared with patients without sarcopenia (64.2 % vs. 86.7 %, P < 0.001). Even in stage I non-small cell lung cancer, the rate of 5-year overall survival in the sarcopenia group was lower than that in the non-sarcopenia group (74.2 % vs. 92.4 %, P = 0.001). Multivariate analysis revealed that low pectoralis muscle index was independently associated with adverse overall survival (hazard ratio: 2.09, 95 % confidence interval: 1.20-3.62, P = 0.009). After propensity score matching, the prognostic impact of sarcopenia based on low pectoralis muscle index was also robust for overall survival (hazard ratio: 3.23, 95 % confidence interval: 1.38-7.60, P = 0.007).
CONCLUSIONS: Low pectoralis muscle index was significantly associated with poor long-term outcomes in patients with localized non-small cell lung cancer after curative surgery. This may help assist preoperative risk stratification and longitudinal management after surgery.
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