A Novel Method for Non-invasive Diagnosis of Monogenic Diseases from Circulating Fetal Cells.
PMID: 32673403 DOI: 10.1002/pd.5796.
OBJECTIVE: To establish a method for non-invasive fetal cell isolation from maternal blood and prenatal testing of monogenic diseases by a combination of direct sequencing and targeted NGS-based SNP haplotyping from single fetal cells.
先天性難聴と魚鱗癬の2家族の妊婦の末梢血を採取した。密度ベースの分離と複数のバイオマーカーを用いた免疫染色を行った後、候補胎児細胞をハイスループットイメージ解析により同定し、自動化によりピックアップした。個々の胎児細胞は、その起源を特定するために、STR-ジェノタイピングを行った。病原性変異は、直接的なサンガーシークエンシング、およびカスタムパネルを用いた標的化NGSとSNPハプロタイピングの組み合わせによって同定された。すべての結果を羊水 DNA と比較した。
METHOD: Peripheral blood of pregnant women in two families (congenital deafness and ichthyosis) was collected. After density-based separation and immunostaining with multiple biomarkers, candidate fetal cells were identified by high-throughput imagine analysis and picked up by automation. Individual fetal cells were subjected to STR-genotyping to identify their origin. Pathogenic mutations were identified by direct Sanger sequencing, and a combination of targeted NGS and SNP haplotyping using a custom panel. All the results were compared with amniotic fluid DNA.
RESULTS: Fetal trophoblasts were successfully harvested from maternal blood. STR-genotyping confirmed the fetal origin. Direct sequencing of pathogenic genetic mutations in fetal cells showed consistent results with amniotic fluid samples. For congenital deafness family, NGS-based SNP haplotyping also correctly identified the fetal haplotype. This single cell haplotyping method can be used to diagnose various genetic diseases.
CONCLUSION: We have established a method for non-invasive prenatal testing of monogenic diseases from circulating trophoblast cells. This cell-based NIPT can be further applied to the prenatal diagnosis of various monogenic diseases. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.