PMID: 32672909
CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS: disorder is typically characterized by severe-to-profound developmental delay and/or intellectual disability, although two individuals in one family had a milder phenotype, including one individual with normal cognitive development. Speech and language skills are often severely limited. Affected individuals rarely achieve head control. Most are unable to sit, stand, or walk. Affected individuals typically have congenital hypotonia that may transition to hypertonia. Axonal motor neuropathy leads to hyporeflexia/areflexia and weakness, which can result in respiratory difficulties requiring ventilatory support. Most affected individuals require tube feeding for nutrition. Half of affected individuals develop seizures. Cortical visual impairment and auditory neuropathy have also been reported.
DIAGNOSIS/TESTING: The diagnosis of disorder is established in a proband with congenital hypotonia and biallelic pathogenic variants in identified by molecular genetic testing.
:難聴者には補聴器が有用であるかもしれない;呼吸困難に対する人工呼吸器サポート(例:BiPAP);重度の唾液漏出に対するロビンヌールまたはボトックス注射の検討;摂食療法および持続的な摂食困難および/または誤嚥の懸念に対する胃瘻チューブ留置の検討;発達遅滞/知的障害、てんかん、皮質視力障害、便秘、痙縮/関節拘縮に対する標準的治療。 受診ごとに、新たな神経学的症状および/または発作制御の妥当性、発達の進展、成長および栄養状態、便秘、関節可動性の評価;視神経萎縮症のある患者では1~2年ごとの眼科評価;臨床的に指示された場合の聴力評価;1~2年ごとの睡眠調査。
MANAGEMENT: : Hearing aids may be helpful for those with hearing loss; ventilator support (e.g., BiPAP) for respiratory distress; consideration of Robinul or Botox injections for severe sialorrhea; feeding therapy and consideration of gastrostomy tube placement for persistent feeding difficulties and/or concern about aspiration; standard treatment for developmental delay/intellectual disability, epilepsy, cortical vision impairment, constipation, and spasticity / joint contractures. Assessment for new neurologic manifestations and/or adequacy of seizure control, developmental progress, growth and nutritional status, constipation, and joint mobility at each visit; ophthalmology evaluation every one to two years in those with optic atrophy; audiology evaluation as clinically indicated; sleep study every one to two years.
GENETIC COUNSELING: disorder is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. At conception, each sib of an affected individual has a 25% chance of being affected, a 50% chance of being an asymptomatic carrier, and a 25% chance of being unaffected and not a carrier. Once the pathogenic variants have been identified in an affected family member, carrier testing for at-risk relatives, prenatal testing for a pregnancy at increased risk, and preimplantation genetic testing are possible.
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