Female underweight and risk of ectopic pregnancy.
PMID: 32672389 DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.16418.
子宮外妊娠(EP)は、卵管内に最も多く発生します。これまでに同定されている危険因子には、骨盤内炎症性疾患の既往、喫煙習慣、生殖器・子宮頸部手術、過去の子宮外妊娠、子宮内膜症、不妊症などがある(Hendriks et al. Am Fam Physician.2020;101:599-606)。これらの因子は、機械的欠陥、炎症または局所免疫障害によって引き起こされる解剖学的または機能的(運動性)な変化を介して作用し、それはまた、時には不妊症のために、体外受精の必要性のために責任を負うことがあります。母体の低体重自体は、これらの条件のいずれとも関連していません。
Ectopic pregnancy (EP) is most frequently located in the fallopian tube. Risk factors that have been identified so far include a history of pelvic inflammatory disease, a smoking habit, genital/pelvic surgery, previous ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis and infertility (Hendriks et al. Am Fam Physician.2020;101:599-606). These factors act through anatomical or functional (motility) alterations caused by mechanical defects, inflammation or local immunity disturbances, which are sometimes also responsible for subfertility and for the need for IVF. Maternal underweight per se is not associated with any of these conditions.
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