Plasmodium falciparum genetic factors rather than host factors are likely to drive resistance to ACT in Ghana.
PMID: 32669113 PMCID: PMC7362516. DOI: 10.1186/s12936-020-03320-7.
ガーナで現在使用されているアルテミシニン系併用療法(ACT)のパートナー薬剤は、ルメファントリン、アモジアキン、ピペラキンである。これらの薬剤に対する感受性が低下したサルシパルム原虫の分離株は治療成績に影響を及ぼす可能性がある。pfmdr1遺伝子の変異は、アモジアキンおよびルメファントリンに対する寄生虫感受性の低下と関連している。さらに、生体内でのパートナー薬剤の効力は、宿主のチトクロームP450(CYP)酵素による代謝に依存する。CYP2C8およびCYP3A4遺伝子の変異は、それぞれin vitroでのアモジアキンおよびルメファントリンの代謝低下と関連している。本研究では、ACTパートナー薬に対するマラリア寄生虫の感受性に影響を与える宿主および寄生虫の遺伝的要因を検討した。
BACKGROUND: Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) partner drugs, currently used in Ghana are lumefantrine, amodiaquine and piperaquine. Plasmodium falciparum isolates with reduced susceptibility to these partner drugs may affect treatment outcome. Mutations in pfmdr1 gene is linked to reduced parasite susceptibility to amodiaquine and lumefantrine. In addition, the potency of the partner drugs in vivo depends on the metabolism by the cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzyme in the host. Mutations in the CYP2C8 and CYP3A4 genes are linked to reduced metabolism of amodiaquine and lumefantrine in vitro, respectively. This study investigated the host and parasite genetic factors affecting the susceptibility of the malaria parasite to ACT partner drugs.
METHODS: Archived samples from 240 patients age ≤ 9 years participating in anti-malarial drug resistance survey in Ghana, and given artemether with lumefantrine (AL) or artesunate with amodiaquine (AA), were selected and analysed. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by Sanger sequencing was used to determine the polymorphisms in CYP2C8, CYP3A4 and pfmdr1 genes.
RESULTS: For CYP3A4, all had wild type alleles, suggesting that the hosts are good metabolizers of lumefantrine. For CYP2C8 60% had wild type alleles, 35% heterozygous and 5% homozygous recessive alleles suggesting efficient metabolism of amodiaquine by the hosts. For pfmdr1 gene, at codon 86, 95% were wild type (N86) and 5% mutant (Y86). For codon 184, 36% were wild type (Y184) and 64% mutant (F184) while for codons 1034, 1042 and 1246, 100% (all) were wild type. The high prevalence of N86-F184-D1246 haplotype (NFD) suggest presence of parasites with reduced susceptibility to lumefantrine and not amodiaquine. Delayed clearance was observed in individuals with mutations in the pfmdr1 gene and not cytochrome 450 gene. Both synonymous and non-synonymous mutations were observed in the pfmdr1 at low prevalence.
CONCLUSION: The outcome of this study indicates that the parasite's genetic factors rather than the host's are likely to drive resistance to ACT in Ghana.