Towards an integrated perinatal care pathway for vulnerable women: The development and validation of quality indicators.
PMID: 32668387 DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2020.102794.
OBJECTIVE: Development and validation of a set of quality indicators for vulnerable women during the perinatal period.
3 段階の方法を用いた。第 1 段階では、ケア領域および潜在的な QI の開発のための文献を特定するための文献レビューと、研究チームによる質の評価が行われた。第 2 段階では、専門家パネルが、修正された 3 回のデルファイ調査でコンセプトの QI のセットを評価した。最後に、一連の指標の最終的な品質評価として、脆弱な女性への半構造化インタビューを実施した(第 3 段階)。ブリュッセル大学病院の倫理委員会および参加病院の倫理委員会から倫理的承認を得た。
DESIGN: A three-phase method was used. Phase 1 consisted of a literature review to identify publications for the development of care domains and potential QIs, as well as a quality assessment by the research team. In phase 2 an expert panel assessed the set of concept QIs in a modified three-round Delphi survey. Finally, semi-structured interviews with vulnerable women were conducted as a final quality assessment of a set of indicators (phase 3). Ethical approval was obtained from the ethics committee of the University Hospital Brussels and from the Ethics Committees of all the participating hospitals.
SETTING: The Flemish Region and the Brussels Capital Region in Belgium.
PARTICIPANTS: Healthcare and social care professionals (n = 40) with expertise in the field of perinatal care provision for vulnerable families. Vulnerable women (n = 11) who gave birth in one of the participating hospitals.
FINDINGS: The literature review resulted in a set of 49 potential quality indicators in five care domains: access to healthcare, assessment and screening, informal support, formal support and continuity of care. After assessment by the expert panel and vulnerable women, a final set of 21 quality indicators in five care domains was identified. First of all, organisation of care must involve an integrated multidisciplinary approach taking account of financial, administrative and social barriers (care domain 1: access to healthcare). Second, qualitative care includes the timely initiation of care, a general screening of the various aspects of vulnerability (biological, psychological, social and cognitive) and a risk assessment for all women (care domain 2: assessment and screening). Vulnerable women benefit from intensive formal and informal support taking account of individual needs and strengths (care domain 3: formal support; care domain 4: informal support). Finally, continuity of care needs to be guaranteed in line with vulnerable woman's individual needs (care domain 5: continuity of care).
KEY CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: Implementing quality indicators in existing and new care pathways offers an evidence-based approach facilitating an integrated view promoting a healthy start for woman and child. These quality indicators can assist healthcare providers, organisations and governmental agencies to improve the quality of perinatal care for vulnerable women.
Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier Ltd.