The Australasian COVID-19 Trial (ASCOT) to assess clinical outcomes in hospitalised patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) treated with lopinavir/ritonavir and/or hydroxychloroquine compared to standard of care: A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.
PMID: 32665040 PMCID: PMC7359440. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-020-04576-9.
重症ではない SARS-CoV-2 感染症の成人参加者を対象に、ロピナビル/リトナビル+/-ヒドロキシクロロキンを投与することで、登録後 15 日間、人工呼吸器のサポートを必要とせずに生存している参加者の割合が減少するかどうかを検討すること。
OBJECTIVES: To determine if lopinavir/ritonavir +/- hydroxychloroquine will reduce the proportion of participants who survive without requiring ventilatory support, 15 days after enrolment, in adult participants with non-critically ill SARS-CoV-2 infection.
TRIAL DESIGN: ASCOT is an investigator-initiated, multi-centre, open-label, randomised controlled trial. Participants will have been hospitalised with confirmed COVID-19, and will be randomised 1:1:1:1 to receive lopinavir /ritonavir, hydroxychloroquine, both or neither drug in addition to standard of care management.
参加者は、オーストラリアとニュージーランドの80以上の病院から募集され、公的部門と民間部門の両方の大都市と地域のセンターを代表しています。入院患者は、18 歳以上で、過去 12 日間に核酸検査で SARS-CoV-2 が確認されており、無作為化の時点から少なくとも 48 時間は入院していることが予想される場合に参加資格があります。集中治療室に入院しているか、高度な呼吸器サポートを必要とする場合、アレルギー、薬物相互作用、共存疾患(ベースラインの QTc 延長が女性で 470ms、男性で 480ms の場合を含む)により、現在試験薬の投与を受けている場合、またはその使用が禁忌とされている場合、または死亡が間近に予想される場合には、参加資格のある可能性のある参加者は除外されます。
PARTICIPANTS: Participants will be recruited from >80 hospitals across Australia and New Zealand, representing metropolitan and regional centres in both public and private sectors. Admitted patients will be eligible if aged ≥ 18 years, have confirmed SARS-CoV-2 by nucleic acid testing in the past 12 days and are expected to remain an inpatient for at least 48 hours from the time of randomisation. Potentially eligible participants will be excluded if admitted to intensive care or requiring high level respiratory support, are currently receiving study drugs or their use is contraindicated due to allergy, drug interaction or comorbidities (including baseline QTc prolongation of 470ms for women or 480ms for men), or death is anticipated imminently.
参加者は 1:1:1:1:1:1 に無作為に割り付けられる。第1群:標準治療、第2群:ロピナビル(400mg)/リトナビル(100mg)を1日2回、錠剤で10日間投与、第3群:ヒドロキシクロロキン(800mg)を1日目に12時間間隔で4x200mg投与、その後400mgを1日2回、6日間投与、第4群:ロピナビル/リトナビルとヒドロキシクロロキンの併用。
INTERVENTION AND COMPARATOR: Participants will be randomised 1:1:1:1 to: Group 1: standard of care; Group 2: lopinavir (400mg) / ritonavir (100mg) twice daily for 10 days in tablet form; Group 3: hydroxychloroquine (800mg) 4x200mg administered 12 hours apart on Day 1, followed by 400mg twice a day for 6 days; Group 4: lopinavir /ritonavir plus hydroxychloroquine.
MAIN OUTCOMES: Proportion of participants alive and not having required intensive respiratory support (invasive or non-invasive ventilation) at 15 days after enrolment. A range of clinical and virological secondary outcomes will also be evaluated.
RANDOMISATION: The randomisation schedule will be generated by an independent statistician. Randomisation will be stratified by site and will be in permuted blocks of variable block size. The randomised sequence allocation will only be accessible to the data management group, and site investigators will have individual participant allocation provided through a web-based trial enrolment platform.
BLINDING (MASKING): This is an open-label study, with researchers assessing the laboratory outcomes blinded to treatment allocation. No unblinding procedures relating to potential adverse effects are therefore required.
NUMBERS TO BE RANDOMISED (SAMPLE SIZE): We assumed that 5% of participants receiving standard of care would meet the primary outcome, aimed to evaluate whether interventions could lead to a relative risk of 0.5, assuming no interaction between intervention arms. This corresponds to a required sample size of 610 per arm, with a 5% two-sided significance level (alpha) and 80% power. The total sample size therefore is planned to be 2440.
TRIAL STATUS: ASCOT protocol version 3, May 5, 2020. Recruitment opened April 4, 2020 and is ongoing, with planned completion of enrolment July 31, 2021.
Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ( ACTRN12620000445976 )。2020年4月6日にプロスペクティブ登録。
TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ( ACTRN12620000445976 ). Prospectively registered April 6, 2020.
FULL PROTOCOL: The full protocol is attached as an additional file, accessible from the Trials website (Additional file 1). In the interest in expediting dissemination of this material, the familiar formatting has been eliminated; this Letter serves as a summary of the key elements of the full protocol.