院外心停止後の酸素分圧と二酸化炭素の神経学的転帰との関連:探索的なInternational Cardiac Arrest Registry 2.0試験
The association of partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide with neurological outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: an explorative International Cardiac Arrest Registry 2.0 study.
PMID: 32664989 DOI: 10.1186/s13049-020-00760-7.
BACKGROUND: Exposure to extreme arterial partial pressures of oxygen (PaO) and carbon dioxide (PaCO) following the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is common and may affect neurological outcome but results of previous studies are conflicting.
北米および欧州の22の集中治療室でROSCを有するOHCA患者2162例を含むInternational Cardiac Arrest Registry(INTCAR)2.0データベースの探索的研究を行った。我々は、OHCA後24時間以内に極端なPaOまたはPaCO値にさらされることが、退院時の神経学的転帰の不良と関連しているという仮説を検証した。一次解析では、高酸素血症(PaO>40kPa)、低酸素血症(PaO<8.0kPa)、高カルシウム血症(PaCO>6.7kPa)、低カルシウム血症(PaCO<4.0kPa)と定義される極端なPaOおよびPaCO値と神経学的転帰との関連を検討した。二次解析では、PaO>40kPaとPaCO<4.0kPa、PaO8.0-40kPaとPaCO>6.7kPaの組み合わせと神経学的転帰との関連を検討した。神経学的転帰のカットポイントを定義するために、PaO値を増減させ、PaCO値を減少させたモデルで試験を行った。脳パフォーマンスカテゴリー(CPC)を良好(CPC1-2)と不良(CPC3-5)に二分化したものを転帰指標とした。
METHODS: Exploratory study of the International Cardiac Arrest Registry (INTCAR) 2.0 database, including 2162 OHCA patients with ROSC in 22 intensive care units in North America and Europe. We tested the hypothesis that exposure to extreme PaO or PaCO values within 24 h after OHCA is associated with poor neurological outcome at discharge. Our primary analyses investigated the association between extreme PaO and PaCO values, defined as hyperoxemia (PaO > 40 kPa), hypoxemia (PaO < 8.0 kPa), hypercapnemia (PaCO > 6.7 kPa) and hypocapnemia (PaCO < 4.0 kPa) and neurological outcome. The secondary analyses tested the association between the exposure combinations of PaO > 40 kPa with PaCO < 4.0 kPa and PaO 8.0-40 kPa with PaCO > 6.7 kPa and neurological outcome. To define a cut point for the onset of poor neurological outcome, we tested a model with increasing and decreasing PaO levels and decreasing PaCO levels. Cerebral Performance Category (CPC), dichotomized to good (CPC 1-2) and poor (CPC 3-5) was used as outcome measure.
解析対象となった 2135 例のうち、700 例が高酸素血症または低酸素血症に曝露され、1128 例が高カプニン血症または低カプニン血症に曝露された。一次解析では、極端なPaOまたはPaCO値への曝露と神経学的転帰との間に有意な関連は認められなかった(P=0.13-0.49)。二次解析では、PaOおよびPaCOの組み合わせと神経学的転帰との間に有意な関連は認められなかった(P=0.11-0.86)。また、神経学的転帰の不良と有意な関連を示すPaO値やPaCO値は認められなかった。すべての解析は関連する共変数で調整された。
RESULTS: Of 2135 patients eligible for analysis, 700 were exposed to hyperoxemia or hypoxemia and 1128 to hypercapnemia or hypocapnemia. Our primary analyses did not reveal significant associations between exposure to extreme PaO or PaCO values and neurological outcome (P = 0.13-0.49). Our secondary analyses showed no significant associations between combinations of PaO and PaCO and neurological outcome (P = 0.11-0.86). There was no PaO or PaCO level significantly associated with poor neurological outcome. All analyses were adjusted for relevant co-variates.
CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to extreme PaO or PaCO values in the first 24 h after OHCA was common, but not independently associated with neurological outcome at discharge.