Every layer of quadriceps tendon's central and medial portion offers similar tensile properties than Hamstrings or Ilio-Tibial Band Grafts.
PMID: 32651731 PMCID: PMC7351916. DOI: 10.1186/s40634-020-00261-7.
PURPOSE: The aim of our cadaveric study was to compare the mechanical properties of different parts of the quadriceps' tendon in a load to failure analysis as compared to three other, and most common types of grafts that are used to perform ligament's reconstruction.
METHODS: Ten fresh-frozen cadavers (5 women, 5 men) were selected from our anatomical department. Mean age at death was 64 years (48-87 years). Tendons were harvested to prepare (1) different quadriceps tendon's specimens: lateral portion (QTlat), medial portion superficial layer (QTMsup) and deep layer (QTMdeep) and central portion superficial (QTCsup) and deep layers (QTCdeep) (2) Patellar Tendon (PT), (3) Gracilis+Semi-Tendinosus specimens (GST). Specimens were stored at - 40 °C in a freezing solution. Specimens were securely attached to a dedicated loading platform, measurements were done using a validated software. Load to failure testing was then carried out. Young's Elastic moduli, ultimate Stress (MPa) and Deformation (%) were analysed.
RESULTS: The elastic moduli of the PT was significantly higher than all other grafts, all medial and central QT layers (superficial and deep) were significantly higher than its lateral part (QTlat). In terms of Ultimate Stress, all grafts were significantly greater than QTlat, PT and GST were significantly superior to QT central portions and to ITB but there did not differ with the medial portion of QT. ITB ultimate stress values were significantly higher than QTlat. The ultimate deformations of all grafts were similar.
CONCLUSIONS: This study provides reference values in in order to characterize different parts of the QT that presents anatomically and Mechanically with complex characteristics. Every Layer of Quadriceps Tendon's Central and Medial Portion Offered Similar Mechanical Properties than Two Strand Hamstrings or Ilio-Tibial Band.